Monte-Carlo Diffusion Simulation (MCDS) is commonly used to develop and validate analytical models for quantifying tissue microstructure using diffusion MRI. However, the validation of the tools implementing MCDS has been limited, especially for complex domains, such as the extra-cellular space of brain tissue. To address this challenge, we propose a novel framework using the Finite Element Method (FEM), an established method for solving the diffusion equation with complex domains, to provide the ground-truth to assess MCDS. We demonstrate the framework by assessing how the accuracy of MCDS is influenced by the number of particles and the number of diffusion steps.
Framework Overview: The diffusion equation, which governs the diffusion process, is solved using a FEM based numerical solver of partial differential equation (PDE).10 This allows the particle density distribution over time to be computed accurately and robustly for arbitrary domains when the analytical solutions are unavailable. This ground-truth (GT) is used to quantitatively assess the particle density distribution determined from MCDS. GT Computation: The GT spatiotemporal particle density distribution u=u(x,y,t) on an arbitrary domain Ω, Figure 1(a), is computed as follows. A mesh with elements e is introduced in Ω, Figure 1(b). Second, to generate an easy-to-validate experiment, the density at time t=0 is concentrated at the elements associated to a single user-defined node with coordinates (x0,y0) by using a Kronecker delta in the PDE initial condition u0(x,y)=δx0,y0(x,y). Finally, FEM solves the diffusion equation ut=D(uxx+uyy) for a given diffusion coefficient D.10 The solution provides element-wise densities ue computed as the average of the values at the vertices of element e normalized by its area. MCDS Setting and Execution: The FEM mesh is also introduced in the MCDS domain to set up a rigorous correspondence between the MCDS starting configuration and the FEM initial condition u0(x,y). The MCDS particles are thus seeded according to a rejection-sampling strategy over the mesh elements connected to the node at (x0,y0) to interpolate the initial density. By using this setting, the MCDS generates FEM-comparable element-wise spatiotemporal particle densities, uMCe, computed as the number of particles inside a FEM element e divided by its area. Validation: The deviation of the MCDS simulation with respect to the FEM’s GT is measured by the sum of squared error in the particle density estimates over the set of mesh nodes E: ϵu=E∑e(uMCe−ue)2, where the final densities uMCe and ue are normalised by taking into account all the element's values.
As a proof of concept, we illustrate the proposed framework by assessing the performance of an in-house tool for MCDS11 in a complex 2D domain that mimics the extracellular space of parallel axons. Experimental settings: We used a FEM mesh representing 2D circular walls (radius R=1μm and separation of 0.4μm) to study the extra-axonal particle dynamics, Figure-1(b). The experiments use D=0.5μm2ms and duration dt=1ms, these values have been chosen to keep the FEM computation tractable. The initial experiments use N=200000 particles and T=1000 steps for MCDS, and the corresponding 500 time steps for FEM. Subsequently, we vary the MCDS parameters systematically to quantitatively measure the performance of the resulting simulations: a) we increase N from 1000 to 200000, and b) the step size was increased from 0.0387μm to 0.0775μm. Qualitative evaluation: A similar pattern of spreading particle densities is seen for the MCDS and the FEM solution, as illustrated by two different time points in Figure 2. These small differences in the density distributions are expected due to the discrete and stochastic nature of MCDS. Quantitative results: The ϵu map in Figure 3 is consistent with the qualitative evaluation on Figure 2, it shows a small and homogeneous error near the center. In next experiment, Table 1 shows how the changes in N are reflected in the value of ϵu. Finally, the impact associated with the change in T is reported in Table 2. The results demonstrate the utility of the proposed framework for identifying the necessary settings for accurate MCDS.
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