Rich-club organizations, characterizing the higher-level topology of the brain network, has been commonly identified from structural connectomes constructed using DTI based on network degrees. This analysis can however be compromised by the following issues: (i) DTI limitations in resolving crossing-fibers; and (ii) the original degree-metric based approach is unsuitable for highly-connected connectomes, because it leads to nodes with indistinguishably high degrees. Importantly, increasing evidence suggests that brain connectomes could be very dense. To address these issues, we propose a robust framework by: (i) applying advanced-tractography to construct connectomes; and (ii) developing a h-degree based method, RICHER, to identify rich-club organization.
Rich-club organization is commonly defined based on the degree-metric, as a tendency for high-degree nodes to be more densely interconnected between one another than low-degree nodes (the RC-degree approach)1. Since degree-metric is no longer informative in highly-connected networks, an equivalent definition of rich-club organization is proposed: any rich-club member within the network always has greater effective unit strength (i.e. total-strength (S, i.e. tracking counts) divided by total number of potential rich-club members (N)) to other rich-club members than to non-rich-club members, formulated as ∀n∈RC, Sw/NRCSb/NNRC=∑p∈RCSn,p/NRC∑q∈NRCSn,q/NNRC>1, (RC:rich−club,NRC:non−rich−club,w:within,b:between).
Two network-metrics, h-degree7,8 H(i) and effective strength (S) to h-degree ratio, E(i)=S(i)/H(i), are employed in RICHER. Across all preset searching-regions (i.e. area confined by H and E that contains rich-club candidates, see Figure 1), the initial search starts from around the median value for H and E. The searching-region is iteratively shrunk (by increasing the H and E thresholds), until R>1 for all members in the searching-region –Note that a rich-club organization must not contain any node with R∈(0,1]. Following this rule, once a rich-club organization is identified, the searching process stops and all nodes having R>1 are identified as rich-club members. In addition, an iterative rescaling approach (i.e.[Min,Max]−>[1,Max] ) is proposed to prevent h-degree from degrading to degree (e.g. when strength of each edge is larger than associated degree), ensuring the median strength remains within the middle part of node degree range (see Figure 1 legend).
Data Acquisition: Anatomical and diffusion MR images (dMRI) of 22 heathy subjects were acquired using a Siemens 3T Trio scanner.
Tractogram reconstruction: Fiber tracking was carried out using MRtrix, with 2 different tracking strategies: (a) a probabilistic streamlines approach based on CSD9+ACT5+SIFT6 (AT approach); (b) DTI+FACT10 (DT approach).
Connectome construction: T1-based FreeSurfer parcellation of grey matter (82-node)11.
Connectome analyses:
(a) rich-club organization: RICHER and RC-degree1 were applied to the 4 connectomes, corresponding to 2 tracking × 2 connectome group averaging (selective-averaging (SelAv)1 and direct-averaging (DirAv)).
(b) Statistical significance: 1000 random networks1 were applied with RICHER and RC-degree. The level of significance value is calculated as p=n/1000, with n the number of rich-club organization detected.
(c) Simulation of network attack: Global efficiency (GE) was computed at 3 types of simulated network attacks1: (i) Random attacks to connections between non-rich-club (NRC) regions (NRC2NRC); (ii) random attacks to hub connections between rich-club (RC) and non-rich-club regions (RC2NRC); and (iii) targeted attacks to connections between rich-club regions (RC2RC). Two damage-levels were simulated. For each damage-level, 1000 samples were generated by randomly attacking network edges while the total weight of damaged edges for NRC2NRC and RC2NRC matched that for RC2RC; otherwise, no random samples were generated. Permutation-tests were conducted to test statistical significance of GE decrease.
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