In this abstract, we introduce a new multi-tensor regularization and denoising technique based on Expectation-Maximization framework. To reduce filtering blurring effect and preserve sharp edges, we incorporated anisotropic regularization weight to the framework. We also utilize a tensor similarity metric, made from a quaternion representation, to improve the regularization and preserve tensor characteristics. Finally, we evaluate and compare filtering methods using a diffusion MRI synthetic phantom and in-vivo acquisition.
Several tensor regularization and filtering method have been proposed to increase the spatial consistency of Diffusion Tensor Image (DTI)[1,2,3]. However, these methods are limited to a single tensor field. Moreover, DTI is unable to represent crossing regions, known to occur in 60% to 90% of white matter[4,5].
Diffusion Compartment Imaging (DCI) models have been proposed to overcome the single tensor representation limitation, and better characterize the brain micro-structure (NODDI[6], CHARMED[7], DIAMOND[8]...). Among them, DCI models, such as the multi-tensor model or DIAMOND[8], produce multi-tensor fields to represent each fascicle in each voxel. Although, these approaches involve complex optimization procedures and are highly sensitive to noise.
Pasternack et al[9] proposed a regularization method that separately ensures smoothness of fiber shape, orientation and fraction. Also, Sotiropoulos et al[10] suggested a regularization method to improve the estimation, but limited to a bi-tensors model. Recently, Taquet et al[11] put forward an Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework, based on Gaussian mixture model simplification, to interpolate and average multi-tensor fields.
To enhance image quality and extract features, Gabor suggested to convolve the image with a gaussian kernel[14]. In a discrete domain, this formulation is equivalent to a heat diffusion equation, where multiple applications is proportional to a single application with an increased gaussian kernel size (σr). To avoid the blurring effect and preserve sharp edges, Perona-Malik[15] presented an anisotropic filtering method based on the neighbors intensity distance and gradient orientation.
In our case, each element of the image is not a scalar but a multi-tensor model. We propose to extend the image filtering techniques of Gabor[14] and Perona-Malik[15] to multi-tensor field, by utilizing the EM framework of Taquet et al[11]. To improve the regularization and preserve tensor characteristics, we integrated the quaternion distance metric between two tensors, from Collard et al[12], by considering:D(a,b)=min(log(λa1λa3),log(λb1λb3))arccos(‖where\,\lambda_j^x\,and \,\mathbf{e}_j^x\,is the\,j\, eigenvalue and eigenvector of tensor\,x, eigenvalues are sorted in decreasing order.
To further improve the filtering and preserve sharp edges, inspired by [2,15,16], we incorporate an iterative anisotropic weighting to the EM algorithm, by considering the following similarity measure between two tensors:S(a,b)=G_{\sigma_d}(D(a,b)).
For the evaluation, we used a synthetic generated phantom (Figure#1) at various SNR(30,20,10). We also acquired an dMRI (cusp90) for the in-vivo DCI estimation. Both multi-tensor field were estimated using DIAMOND[8].
To analyze results, we filtered the noisy DCI estimation for each method, with different parameters, on many iterations. Once the tensor field is filtered, we computed the average error by comparing the result to the ground truth, using the tensor minimum angle error.
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