Free-water diffusion tensor imaging (fwDTI) was previously proposed to remove CSF partial volume effects of measures based on the diffusion tensor. Nevertheless, this diffusion-weighted technique is still subject to several pitfalls. In this study, an improved algorithm to fit the fwDTI to data acquired with two or more diffusion-weighting gradients is proposed. This algorithm is then used to explore the advantages and limitations of suppressing free-water in synthetic and in vivo diffusion-weighted data.
fwDTI model fitting: Similarly to previous procedures4, the fwDTI model is fitted to the diffusion-weighted signals si using a non-linear least squares (NLS) approach. This approach is very sensitive to the initial guess of the model parameters γ, which can be computed by a grid search of the best weighted linear least squares (WLLS) solution of the model parameters. The selection of the initial guess was previously performed using the WLLS objective function4, however we suggest using the NLS objective function:
where f is the fraction of free water in the voxel, Diso is the diffusivity of free water, and W is a matrix containing the acquisition parameters4.
Simulations: To evaluate the performance of different fwDTI fitting algorithms, multi-compartmental simulations were first performed using the acquisition scheme and ground truth values proposed by4. To assess fwDTI effects in the presence of restricted and hindered diffusion, diffusion heterogeneity was incorporated by separately modelling intra- and extra-cellular compartments for a varying number of white matter fibers6. These simulations were then used to detect ground truth f and FA values resulting in FA overestimation (see Fig.3 for more details).
MRI experiments: DWI data were acquired on a Siemens 3T Trio (32-channel coil) using a TRSE sequence, 30 directions for b-values=500, 1500s/mm2 and two b=0)4. A second protocol had 30 directions for bvalues=1000, 2000s/mm2 and two b=0. To assess fwDTI-FA bias across different brain regions, in vivo fwDTI-f and DTI-FA were compared to f and FA ground truth values which results in fwDTI overestimation. Since DTI-FA and fwDTI-f are always smaller than the tissue's FA and free-water volume fractions ground truth values, the estimated bias maps indicates the worst possible fwDTI-FA overestimation at each brain locations (see Fig.4 for more details).
Using the approach for fwDTI initial guess estimation proposed here, and contrary to the previous approaches (Fig.1A-C)4,5, we no longer see underestimation of f values (Fig.1D-F). The results from the NLS fitting approach that uses the proposed fwDTI initial guess estimates are shown in Fig.1(G-I).
When restricted and hindered diffusion effects are taken into account, the fwDTI’s f estimates are still proportional to the ground truth values. However, f now also depends on the volume fraction of hindered diffusion (Fig.2A). For well-aligned fiber simulations, fwDTI-FA estimates seem to be invariant to free-water volume fractions up to f=0.6 (Fig.2B-C). When higher b-values are included in the acquisition, f becomes more sensitive to the hindered compartment volume fractions (Fig.2D), while fwDTI-FA estimates remain independent up to medium range free-water contaminations (Fig.2E-F).
The lower f values associated to fwDTI-FA overestimates of 1 and 5% are plotted as a function of fwDTI-FA ground truth (Fig.3B,F). In-vivo fwDTI measures are shown in Fig.4. The fwDTI bias map reveals that fwDTI-FA overestimation is lower that 5% for most white matter regions (Fig.4C,F).
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