Optic nerve MRI is susceptible to eyeball movement. The relatively long acquisition time of advanced diffusion MRI (dMRI) methods exacerbates the motion sensitivity in optic nerve dMRI and limits the clinical implementation of these methods. In this work, we evaluate a short (less than 2.5 min per eye) single slice coronal optic nerve dMRI acquisition protocol at 3T and propose a 2D optic nerve center searching algorithm customized for such dMRI data. We demonstrate improved optic nerve center contrast after image alignment and the expected benefits of reduced partial volume effects from diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) analysis.
MRI: Optic nerve dMRI data were acquired in five healthy adult subjects on a 3T scanner (Trio, Siemens) with a 32-ch head coil (12 anterior receive elements only). An inner-volume-imaging spin echo EPI diffusion sequence modified from our previous implementation3 (Fig. 2) was used to acquire reduced field-of-view (FOV) optic nerve images at 1.3 mm × 1.3 mm in-plane resolution, FOV=166 mm x 41.5 mm, matrix=128 x 32, single 3 mm thick slice (coronal slice positioned perpendicular to and at the center of the intraorbital optic nerve, Fig. 3), phase-encoding (PE) direction=foot->head, 6/8 partial Fourier, echo spacing=0.87 ms, ETL=24 (20.9 ms), bandwidth=1346 Hz/Px, TR/TE=2500/56 ms, monopolar diffusion encoding, optimized 25 multi-bval (linearly spaced) multi-bvec diffusion scheme with bmax=1000 s/mm2 and two b0, two effective averages with alternating diffusion gradient polarity, Tacq=2 min 20 sec per eye. The two sequence modifications included (i) implementation of hyperbolic secant (HS) adiabatic inversion/refocusing pulses for improved slab profile in the PE direction and (ii) placement of the second inversion/refocusing pulse immediately before the excitation pulse to reduce the time interval between the two inversion/refocusing pulses.
Optic nerve center alignment: A manual mask for all dMRI frames was drawn including the optic nerve but excluding extraocular muscles for image alignment (Fig. 4, cyan color). On each frame, the optic nerve center was defined on 0.1 voxel unit space (spline interpolation) within the mask region by finding a square 5×5 (voxel) kernel whose sum of image intensities was maximal (Fig. 4, red color). The center of the 5×5 kernel was assigned as the optic nerve center and the image intensity was resampled to the original voxel resolution. The resulting 5×5 kernel from each dMRI frame were concatenated for diffusion signal modeling.
Diffusion analysis: DBSI/DTI maps were generated using an in-house MATLAB program. The region-of-interest (ROI) of the optic nerve was the center voxel of the 5×5 kernel.
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