Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of disability in adults. More sophisticated methods are required in order to understand its underlying pathophysiology and disease progression. Recent interest in an assumption-free DTI analysis, diffusion entropy (DE), has produced some promising results for investigating white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) microstructure. We set out to test DE against the much more common fractional anisotropy (FA) analysis, in both WM and GM, in 45 hockey players over one season. 11 players sustained a concussion and were scanned at 72 hours, 2 weeks, and 2 months post-injury.
Subjects: This study used data acquired from an earlier completed study, and is thus retrospective. Twenty five male and twenty female amateur ice hockey players (mean age ± SD) = 21.2±3.1years) from two Canadian Interuniversity Sports teams participated in the study. All players were scanned (baseline) before the beginning of the hockey season (September). An independent physician was on hand for all games, in order to diagnose concussions. If a player was concussed, they were then scanned at 72hrs, 2weeks, and 2months after their concussion.
MRI: MRI data were acquired on a Philips Achieva 3T scanner. All subjects underwent the following set of scans: sagittal 3D T1-weighted scan (TR/TE/flip angle=8.1ms/3.7ms/6°; acquisition matrix/FOV/acquired voxel size/reconstructed=256x256x160/256x256x160mm3/1x1x1mm3/1x1x1mm3); and DTI scan (TR/TE/flip angle=7015ms/60ms/90°; acquisition matrix/FOV/acquired voxel size/reconstructed/slice thickness=100x99/224x224mm2/2.2x2.2mm2/2x2mm2/2.2mm; b0=0, b1=700sec/mm2, 60 non-collinear directions).
Data Processing: DTI data was eddy current corrected, brain extracted, and FA values calculated using FSL. DE values were calculated from the eddy current corrected diffusion data based on Equation (1) using in-house written software (MATLAB). Briefly, for each subject, and then for each voxel, signal attenuation values for every direction in the voxel were binned into 60 bins between 0 and 1. Probability density functions for each bin were calculated. Substituting these values into Equation (1) gave the DE value.
Equation(1): DE(xi)=−∑xiϵk(p(xi)log(p(xi))
Statistics: JHU atlas masks of the genu and splenium were projected onto FA and DE volumes, and averaged for each subject. Subcortical grey matter regions (thalamus and hippocampus) were segmentedfrom the 3D T1 images. Linear mixed effects models (R: lme450) were used to analyze the relationship between FA or DE and time. Time was used as a fixed effect, with intercepts for subjects as random effects in the model (e.g.: m <- lmer(de ~ time + (1|subject), data=icehockey). Post-hoc analysis was performed in order to determine which time-points were significantly different from baseline (pair-wise t-tests, p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons using the Holm-Bonferonni method). This analysis was performed for the four ROIs (gCC, sCC, thalamus, and hippocampus).
Author contributions: A.R., J.T. and D.L. designed the study. A.R. and D.L. designed the imaging protocol. S.D. collected data and helped coordinate the study. M.J., and A.M.W. performed data analysis under the supervision of A.R. A.M.W. wrote the manuscript. E.H.-T. edited and provided critical input to the manuscript. All authors interpreted the data. All authors had full access to the data, and helped critically revise the manuscript before reviewing and approving the final version. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability: Data is available and may be provided under the transfer policies of UBC.[
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