Graph theory based approaches applied to diffusion weighted MRI data have been used for understanding cerebral processing at whole-brain scale. Nevertheless, a few studies have considered including the connectivity with the cerebellum. In this work, the cerebellar role in the whole-brain connectomic was investigated by combining automatic tools and a priori information about cerebellar connections. We assert that it is important to incorporate the knowledge that cerebro-cerebellar connections are all contralateral. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that network topology is highly influenced by the presence or the absence of the cerebellum suggesting that it plays a key role in brain processing.
Subjects: The study was carried out on 42 healthy adults (14 males; age (32.1 ± 8.7) years and range 20–49 years).
MRI acquisition: Data were acquired using a 3T Skyra scanner (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) with a 32-channel head-coil. Diffusion data were acquired using a twice-refocused SE-EPI sequence (TR/TE=14500/103ms, 70 axial slices, FOV=240mm, 2mm isotropic voxel, 64 non-collinear diffusion directions, b=2500s/mm2 and 10 volumes with b=0s/mm2). 3DT1w images were collected with a MPRAGE sequence (TR/TE/TI=2300/2.95/900ms, 176 sagittal slices, FOV=270mm, 1.2x1.1×1.1mm3 voxel, flip angle=9°).
Preprocessing: Diffusion data were corrected for susceptibility distortions, eddy currents, and inter-volume motions combining BrainSuite5 and FSL EDDY6 tools. Brain extraction of the mean b0 images and creation of fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) maps were performed using FSL. For each subject, the 3DT1 images were aligned to the corresponding b0 images using a full-affine registration. Tissue volume maps of white matter (WM), grey matter (GM), subcortical GM, and cerebrospinal fluid were created with FSL for the Anatomically-Constrained Tractography (ACT) framework7.
Tractography: Whole-brain tractography was performed with MRtrix3 by combining constrained spherical deconvolution and probabilistic streamline tractography (iFOD2)8. Relevant parameters were: step size=1mm, max angle=45° per step, FOD threshold=0.1, 10 million streamlines selected. The WM-GM interface was used for randomly seeding the streamlines within the ACT framework. “Spherical-deconvolution Informed Filtering of Tractograms” (SIFT2)9 method was applied for obtaining a valid marker of axonal fibre count.
Atlas and connectome construction: An ad-hoc atlas was created in MNI152 space combining deep GM structures, Automated Anatomical Labeling (AAL)10 and SUIT atlases11. The atlas comprising a totality of 97 labels was dilated to overlap GM-WM interface and was transformed to subject-space by inverting the non-affine registration from diffusion to MNI space. Three connectomes, i.e. groups, with different nodes were built: (i) cereb_atlas = cerebral using AAL labels; (ii) brain_atlas = whole-brain using ad-hoc atlas labels without priori information; (iii) a_priori_atlas = as brain_atlas but with a priori information on the cerebro-cerebellar loop contralateral connectivity. Each connectome was created by combining the streamline tractograms (edges) with the different subject's atlases (nodes). For each connectome three edge weightings were defined: (i) streamline count following SIFT2, (ii) mean FA of the tract, (iii) mean MD of the tract.
Structural network analysis: Basic characterization was achieved calculating nodal degree (K), and nodal strength (KW) of each node and deriving small-world index (SW). Network integration and segregation were provided by global efficiency (Eglob) and local efficiency (Eloc), respectively. Centrality and modularity were studied using betweenness centrality (BW) and participation coefficient (PW), respectively. These measurements, depending on their distribution, were compared among groups using ANOVA test (p ≤ 0.05, with Bonferroni) or Mann-Whitney U test.
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