We present a novel method for reconstruction of fetal dMRI based on spherical harmonic model that includes motion correction, distortion correction and super-resolution reconstruction. We show that all these steps are important for producing good quality results. Our method will facilitate investigations into brain white-matter development in utero.
The single-shell diffusion weighted signal s(→g) varies with gradient sensitisation direction →g and can be compactly represented using spherical harmonic basis functions5
where clm are SH coefficients, Ylm are real SH basis functions of order m and n is Rician additive noise. Our aim is to reconstruct an estimated fetal dMRI signal ¯si(→g) in a SH representation on a high-resolution regular grid in anatomical space represented by index i. Low resolution acquired signals sjk of slice k on in-plane grid represented by index j can be estimated from this high resolution signal using convolution with the point spread function mkij, which takes into account in-plane resolution, slice thickness, position and orientation of the fetal head in the scanner space at the time of acquisition8:
Each slice has a specific diffusion sensitisation direction →gk associated with it, which must take account of rotations introduced by fetal motion that may vary within each acquired volume2. The high resolution signal can be estimated from low-resolution acquired slices by minimizing the objective function F(C)=∑jk(sjk−¯sjk(→gk))2 where C represents set of all SH coefficients on the high resolution grid.
Diffusion MRI of seven fetal subjects (Gestational age of 24-33 weeks) were acquired using spin echo EPI (b=500 smm2, 15 directions, TE 121ms, TR 8500ms, FoV 290x290x128mm3, voxel size 2.3x2.3x3.5mm3, slice overlap 1.75mm). Spatial distortion was corrected using a field map estimated by maximising correspondence of b=0 images and ssFSE T2w images of the same subject using our previously proposed method7. Motion and outliers were estimated by co-aligning all slices of dMRI b=500 irrespective of the diffusion directions3 using our slice to volume reconstruction method8 originally proposed for structural fetal images. The high resolution SH representation of diffusion signal was then estimated by minimizing objective function F(C) using gradient descent optimisation. Although the framework can support higher order spherical harmonics, in this study a second order model was used due to small number of diffusion directions available. The processing pipeline is summarized in Fig. 1.
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