Brian Hansen1, Ahmad Raza Khan1, Noam Shemesh2, Torben Ellegaard Lund1, Ryan Sangill1, Leif Østergaard1, and Sune Nørhøj Jespersen1,3
1CFIN/MINDLab at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 2Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
White matter tract integrity (WMTI) can be used
to characterize tissue microstructure in areas with strongly aligned fiber
bundles. Several WMTI biomarkers have now been validated against microscopy and
provided promising results in studies of brain development, aging, and brain
disorders. In clinical settings, however, the diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI)
protocol utilized as part of WMTI imaging may be prohibitively long.
Consequently, the diagnostic value of the WMTI parameters is mostly explored in
dedicated animal studies and clinical studies of slowly progressing diseases.
Here, we evaluate WMTI based on recently introduced axisymmetric DKI which has
lower data demand than conventional DKI.
White matter tract integrity (WMTI) is used to characterize tissue
microstructure in areas of aligned fiber bundles, Several WMTI biomarkers have been
validated against microscopy and provided promising results in studies of brain
development, aging, and disorders. In clinical settings, however, the diffusion
kurtosis imaging (DKI) protocol utilized as part of WMTI imaging may be
prohibitively long. Here, we evaluate WMTI based on recently introduced
axisymmetric DKI with lower data demand than conventional DKI[3].Methods
Imaging was performed with a twice refocused spin echo DW EPI sequence with
inversion recovery[1] on a Siemens Trio 3T with a 32 channel head coil. One b=0 image and 33
directions on 14 b-value shells between 0.2-3.0 ms/µm2 were acquired,
with the directions a combination of a 24 point design (36) and the 9
directions for fast DKI [2, 3]. The effective diffusion time was approximately 50 ms. 19 consecutive
slices were acquired at 2.5 mm isotropic resolution with TR=7200 ms, TE=116 ms,
yielding an SNR≈39 at b=0. Conventional WMTI was implemented as [4]. Analytical WMTI was implemented by assuming axial symmetry in both the
extracellular and axonal compartments, enabling estimation of mean, axial,
radial kurtosis and diffusivity from only 19 images[3, 5]. All five WMTI parameters can then be expressed in terms of diffusion
kurtosis metrics:
Two solutions exist, corresponding to two branches of the square roots [6, 7]. Only data in appropriate regions fulfilling the assumptions of WMTI
was analyzed, dictated by the Westin parameters as in [8].Simulations
The experimental signal from 100 random suitable WM voxels were
fit with nonlinear least squares to the biexponential model underlying WMTI (no
alignment or symmetries imposed). Parameter
values obtained from the fit serve as input to the biexponential model to
generate synthetic data with Rician noise (1000 noise realizations per voxel), SNR=39,
matching the experimental data. The
sampling scheme used for data
acquisition was used in simulations, but with b-values between b=0-2.6 ms/µm2
. The synthetic signals were then analyzed in the same manner as the
experimental data to yield WMTI parameters from conventional and analytical
axisymmetric WMTI (aWMTI). A 1-9-9 subset of the simulated data with b1
= 1.0 ms/µm2 and b2
= 2.6 ms/µm2 was used to assess the WMTI estimates based on
1-9-9 data, referred to as analytical fast axial WMTI (faWMTI).Results
Figure 1 shows histograms of ground truth deviation in WMTI
parameters from simulations corresponding to the correct branch (in this case Branch
1, Da<De,||). Figures 2-4 show results from human brain in
suitable WM voxels. Conventional estimates and aWMTI estimates from a full data
set are shown in Fig. 2 for both branches. In Fig. 3, scatterplots compare the
output of aWMTI from a full data set and a 1-9-9 data set for both branches.
Finally, figure 4 shows histograms of WMTI diffusion parameters (both branches)
from all suitable voxels.Discussion
The simulations indicated that aWMTI performs at least as well
as conventional WMTI when all b-values/directions were included (Fig. 1).
Consistent with this, WMTI metrics from both methods showed a high correlation
for both branches in the real data: the best agreement was found for De,⊥
(correlation coefficient 0.98), and the worst for intra-axonal diffusivity Da
(correlation coefficient 0.81/0.69, branch 1/branch 2). When the data was
reduced to the 1-9-9 protocol (Fig. 3), agreement decreased, although remaining
high. Branch 1 showed the highest correspondence for extracellular parallel
diffusivity (0.81) and the lowest for the intra-axonal diffusivity Da (0.75),
while branch 2 showed the lowest correlation coefficient of 0.63 for Da,
and the highest for extracellular axial diffusivity (0.76). The histograms of
human WM Da and De,|| values (Fig. 4) show the behaviors for
the 2 branches from WMTI (full data set). Notably, branch 2 had most
intra-axonal diffusivity values above 3 µm2/ms, lending support to branch
1 with Da<De,|| as the
appropriate choice for white matter in vivo. Conclusion
Simulations indicated that WMTI parameters derived analytically
from axially symmetric DKI are at least as accurate as conventional WMTI, and
remain reliable when diffusion weighted images are reduced from 462 to 19. Analysis
of histograms of white matter intra-axonal diffusivities preferred one branch over
the other, with Da<De,||. The results (especially reduced data requirements) may facilitate the
application of the WMTI technique into a wider range of settings, including
preclinical research and the clinical evaluation of patients who suffered
traumatic WM injuries.Acknowledgements
Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and
Innovation’s University Investment Grant (MINDLab, Grant no. 0601-01354B), and
NIH 1R01EB012874-01, Lundbeck Foundation R83-A7548 and Simon Fougner Hartmans
Familiefond. Lippert’s Foundation and Korning’s Foundation for financial
support. Danish Research Council's Infrastructure program, the Velux
Foundations, and the Department of Clinical Medicine, AU.References
1. Jones, D.K., et al., Neuroimage, 2013. 73.
2. Hansen, B., et al., Magn Reson Med,
2013. 69(6).
3. Hansen, B., et al., NeuroImage, 2016.
4. Fieremans, E., et al., Neuroimage,
2011. 58(1).
5. Hansen,
B., et al. (2016) White matter biomarkers
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6. Jelescu, I.O., et al., NMR in
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Westin, C., et al., MICCAI'99. (1999) pp. 441-452