In this study, we focused on the strictly diffusion-limited compartment with extremely low ADC. Because of the negligible signal attenuation of this compartment, the ADC of this compartment was set as zero. By adding this compartment to the two-compartment model, we presented a modified tri-exponential model. The AICcs of this model were found to be lower than the bi-exponential model and the conventional tri-exponential model, indicating this model is the best. Additionally, the parameters derived from this model, especially the fraction of the strictly diffusion-limited compartment (f0), showed potential clinical value in distinguishing the grade of malignancy of tumors.
In order to detect the real distribution of water diffusion in tissues, many models have been developed 1-3, including multi-compartment models. Both the two-compartment model and models with more compartments face many challenges 4-10. Previous studies have indicated the existence of the strictly diffusion-limited compartment with extremely low ADC in tissues and even cells 10-14. However, the existing models do not contain this compartment. The signal attenuation of this compartment is negligible at normal b-values. Hence, the ADC of this compartment could be set to zero mathematically. By adding this compartment to the two compartments model and setting the ADC of this compartment as zero, we developed a modified tri-exponential model (see equation [1]). According to our hypothesis, the strictly diffusion-limited compartment represents water molecules strictly limited in microstructures, such as intracellular organelles and myelin sheath. Hence, f0 represents the volume fraction of these microstructures. Our first study was to compare this new model with the bi-exponential model and the conventional tri-exponential model. Secondly, we also performed an initial study to apply this model in grading and differential diagnosis of gliomas.
S=S0*(f0+fslow*e-ADCslow*b+ffast*e-ADCfast*b) [1]
where f0+fslow+ffast=1, f0 is the fraction of the strictly diffusion-restricted compartment, and fslow and ffast are corresponding fractions of ADCslow and ADCfast.
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