Santosh Kumar Yadav1, Ajay Vardaan2, Rakesh Kumar Gupta3, Pradeep Kumar Gupta3, Samir Mohindra4, Deepak Kaura5, Francesco Marincola1, Ena Wang1, and Mohammad Haris1
1Research Department, Sidra Medical and Research Center, Doha, Qatar, 2Department of Medicine, King George Medical University, Lucknow, India, 3Department of Radiology and Imaging, Fortis Memorial Research Institute, India, 4Department of Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi Post graduate Institute of Medical Science, India, 5Department of Radiology, Sidra Medical and Research Center, Doha, Qatar
Current study measured the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF)
and insular functional connectivity (FC) in Hepatitis C virus patients and
compared with age and gender matched control using RESTplus software. HCV patients showed
significantly reduced ALFF in the right insula. The right insular FC strength was
lower in patients than control. Neuropsychological test scores were
significantly lower in HCV patients. Changes
in ALFF and FC provide new evidences of altered neuronal activity in HCV
Hepatitis C is a
blood-borne disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Around 3% of the
world populations are living with the hepatitis C1. If untreated, it
may cause liver cirrhosis subsequently hepatic encephalopathy (HE). HE is a potentially
reversible neuropsychiatric disorder leading to cerebral edema induced by
hyperammonia and inflammatory cytokines2. Neuroimaging studies have
emphasized the structural and metabolic alterations in the brain of patients
with hepatitis C3. In the current study, we investigated the altered
spontaneous neuronal activity as measured by amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations
(ALFF) and insular functional connectivity (FC) in these patients and compared with
those of control.Materials and Methods
Institutional ethical committee approved the study
protocol. With informed consent 9 HCV patient (mean age±sd, 38±13 years; 3
females/10 males), and 13 controls (mean age±sd, 33±12 years; 4 female/5 male) underwent
for clinical examination, cognitive assessments and brain MRI. MRI was performed
on a 3T clinical MR scanner (Signa HDxt, General electric, Milwaukee, USA). RS-fMRI
data were acquired using an echo-planar imaging with following parameters: TR =
2.5 s, TE =30 ms, flip angle = 90°, number of slices = 46, slice thickness = 3
mm, and 120 volumes per acquisition together with higher resolution 3D-T1-weighted
imaging were also performed. Data were processed using SPM8 (, and analysis were performed using RESTplus ( The initial 10 volumes of the functional images were removed, and rest
of the images were corrected for the slice timing and rigid bodymotion. High-resolution
structural images were normalized to the MNI template using dartel and
normalization parameters were applied to EPI images. Subjects with excessive
head motion (displacement=3mm; angular rotation=3 degree) were excluded.
Spatial smoothing was performed with an isotropic Gaussian kernel of 6mm of
FWHM. The rs-fMRI data were temporally band-pass filtered (0.01-0.08 Hz) to
reduce the very low frequency drift and high-frequency respiratory and cardiac
noise. The time series for each voxel was transformed to the frequency domain
and then the power spectrum was obtained. The square root was calculated at
each frequency of the power spectrum. The averaged square root was taken as
ALFF. For standardization, the ALFF of each voxel was divided by the global
mean of ALFF values within a brain mask. For FC analysis, the seed ROI for right
insula was generated as this region showed significantly decreased ALFF signal
in patients. The mean time series of ROI was calculated by averaging the time
series of all voxels within the ROI. Then a voxel-wise correlation analysis was
performed between the mean time series of ROI and the time series of the
remaining brain areas. Finally, Fisher’s z-transform was applied to improve the
normality of the correlation coefficients. Head motion, CSF volume, white
matter signal and global mean signal were used as covariates in the analysis.Statistical Analysis
Demographic and cognitive profiles were assessed by independent samples
t-tests and Chi square. A
two-sample t-test was performed to evaluate the ALFF difference between the HCV
patients and controls. For FC analysis from a seed ROI (right insula) within
each group, one sample t-test was performed in a voxel-wise manner to determine
the regions with significant positive connectivity to the whole brain. A
threshold of p< 0.001 with a minimum cluster size of 165 voxels was used to
correct for multiple comparisons using AlphaSim
along with age and gender as covariates.Results and Discussion
No significant differences were observed either in
gender (p = 0.6) or age (p = 0.32) between groups. Compared to controls, HCV patients showed
significantly decreased ALFF in the right insula (figure 1 A, B). Right insular
FC associated positively with the multiple brain sites both in control and
patient (figure 1 C, D). However, in HCV patients the FC strength was lower than
the control. Neuropsychological test scores were significantly lower in HCV
patients than control (data not shown). There
are evidences from neuroimaging studies linking the insular area to cognitive
and nonmotor functions4,5. Decreased ALFF in the right insula may
relate to the cognitive impairments in these patients as insular area play key role
in regulating various brain networks, which was further supported by the reduced
FC of right insula to the other brain regions in HCV patients. Conclusion
in ALFF and FC in the right insula provide new evidences of altered neuronal
activity in HCV patients. The current findings further provide insight into the
biological mechanism of the disease.
Sidra Medical and Research Center provides the work station to process the MRI data.References
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