Maosen Wang1,2, Yi He1,2, and Xin Yu1
1Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience, International Max Planck Research School, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
The astrocytic Ca2+ signal could be simultaneously acquired with either
BOLD-fMRI or LFP signal in the rat cortex under anesthesia. Intrinsic
astrocytic Ca2+ bursts
spikes were detected in the cortex
with suppressed spontaneous LFP and negative BOLD fMRI signal. These astrocytic Ca2+ spike
events were different from the normal activity-evoked Ca2+ signal
and also differentiate themselves from the lesion/stimulation-induced
large-scale depolarization or spreading depression given the instantaneous
whole-brain pattern and correlation with the thalamic LFP. The intrinsic
astrocytic Ca2+ spike may mediate the brain states
through the arousal thalamic pathway.
Previously, an intrinsic astrocytic
calcium spike was detected to be negatively correlated to the BOLD fMRI
signal1. By simultaneous calcium
with electrophysiology or BOLD fMRI recording, the intrinsic
astrocytic Ca2+ spikes coincided with suppressed LFP activity, as well as
negative BOLD fMRI signal through the entire cortex. Interestingly, the intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes could be initiated in bilateral hemispheres at the same time with
sensory stimulation. Upon the appearance the intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes, the whole-brain BOLD fMRI was used to search for the specifically
activated brain regions, which may serve as the source to elicit the astrocytic
Ca2+ spike. Increased BOLD signal was detected at the central and mediodorsal
thalamic nuclei specifically, as well as increased LFP activity upon stimulation.
This work indicates that the intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ signal could
play a crucial role to mediate the brain state changes through the arousal
thalamic pathways. Methods
All images were acquired with a 14.1 T/26cm horizontal bore magnet
(Magnex), interfaced to an AVANCE III console (Bruker) and equipped with a 12
cm gradient set, capable of providing 100 G/cm with a rise time of 150 us
(Resonance Research). A transreceiver surface coil was used to acquire fMRI
images. Electrodes were placed on the forepaw (FP) to deliver a 1.0 mA pulse
sequence (4s, 300μs duration repeated at 3Hz). GCaMP6f 2 was
expressed by AAV5 in the FP somatosensory cortex (FP-S1) with Syn or GFAP
promoter. Fiber optic (200um) was inserted into the area which expressed GCaMP
for calcium-based fluorescent signal recording.Results
Intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes were detected
in coincidence with the suppressed spontaneous LFP signal, as well as the negative
BOLD fMRI signal (Fig 1). This intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ signal could be initiated by
sensory stimulation and was detected from multiple cortical areas, e.g. FP-S1, barrel
cortex, or cross hemispheres, with negative BOLD signal through the entire
cortex (Fig 2). Upon the 30s electrical unilateral sensory stimulation, the
intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes were detected in a few
epochs at both hemispheres, showing spikes with amplitude 2-3 times higher than
the normal evoked astrocytic Ca2+ signal (Fig 3). Interestingly, the
bilateral intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes showed no onset
delay regardless of the evoked cortical side (Fig 3e), indicating the intrinsic
astrocytic Ca2+ spikes are not propagating from the activated
cortical areas. The whole-brain BOLD fMRI was simultaneously acquired with the
bi-hemispheric astrocytic Ca2+ recording, showing specific thalamic
activation upon the appearance of the intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes
but not under the normal evoked astrocytic Ca2+ events (Fig 4). This
result indicates that the thalamic activation may directly mediate the
large-scale cortical intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spike events.
Furthermore, simultaneous thalamic LFP recording at the central and mediodorsal
region with cortical astrocytic Ca2+ recordings showed that the
increased LFP power spectrum density in thalamus upon the
intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes
in comparison to the normal evoked astrocytic Ca2+ signal (Fig 5). These results
indicates that the intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes may directly get
involved in the brain state changes through the arousal thalamic pathways. Conclusion
intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes were detected in the cortex with suppressed
spontaneous LFP and negative BOLD fMRI signal.
These astrocytic Ca2+ spike events were different from the
normal activity-evoked Ca2+ signal and also differentiate themselves
from the lesion/stimulation-induced large-scale depolarization or spreading
depression given the instantaneous whole-brain pattern and correlation with the
thalamic LFP. The intrinsic astrocytic Ca2+ spikes may
mediate the brain states through the arousal thalamic pathway. Acknowledgements
This research was supported by the internal funding from Max Planck Society. References
1. Wang et al. ISMRM (abstract ID 2799, 2017). 2. Chen et al. Nature,
499:295-302 (2013).