In resting-state fMRI, global signal regression (GSR), global signal subtraction (GSS) and global signal normalization (GSN) are widely used nuisance removal methods. So far these techniques have been treated as distinct operations and the relation between them has not been clearly described. In this paper, we mathematically and empirically show that GSS and GSN are nearly identical processes in resting-state fMRI. We further show that in terms of resting-state functional connectivity maps, GSS and hence GSN are similar processes to GSR when considering seed time courses that have a good fit to the global signal time course.
We denote a voxel time series as x=˜x+μx where ˜x is a zero-mean fluctuation term and μx is a constant mean value. Similarly, the GS is represented as g=˜g+μg, and is computed as the mean time course over all voxels.
In GSN, the computations are performed prior to removal of the temporal mean from the voxel time series. Data are normalized at each time point by dividing the voxel value by the corresponding GS value and then subtracting 1.0 from the result.2 This approach is defined in line (1) of Figure 1. In lines (3) and (6) we assume that the voxel and global signal means are identical, which can be achieved without loss of generality by scaling the data such that all voxels have the same mean value. In line (4), we assume that the mean component of the GS is much larger than the zero-mean fluctuations, which is the case for most fMRI data. The result (line 6) is simply the difference between the percent normalized signal changes ˜x[i]/μx and ˜g[i]/μg.
In GSS, the GS is subtracted from each voxel time series after percent change normalization of the signals. This can be expressed as yGSS=˜x/μx−˜g/μg, which is identical to the result derived above, hence yGSN≈yGSS.
The process of GSR is described as yGSR=˜x−α˜g where the fit coefficient α=(˜gT˜g)−1˜gT˜x. GSR and GSS are equivalent when α=1 (normalization does not affect this equality). As shown in Figure 2, the mean value of alpha (over voxels) is equal to 1.0. For any given voxel, the relation between GSR and GSS will depend on how “close” α is to 1.0.
Figure 3 shows representative PCC and WM functional maps obtained after GSR, GSS, and GSN. The maps with GSS and GSN are nearly identical, consistent with the derivation in Figure 1. The mean (over all 68 scans) of the spatial correlations between the PCC and WM maps with GSS and GSN is 0.99 with a small standard deviation (0.003).
In contrast, spatial correlations between PCC maps for GSR and GSS range from 0.62 to 0.99 with a mean of 0.94. For WM maps, the spatial correlations range from 0.37 to 0.99 with a mean of 0.73. As indicated by the fit coefficients and correlation values listed under each column of Figure 3, the degree of similarity depends on the closeness of the fit coefficient to 1.0.
Figure 4 shows the PCC and WM seed fit coefficients versus the spatial correlations between the corresponding connectivity maps obtained after GSR and GSS. As the fit coefficient deviates from the ideal value of 1.0, the spatial correlations decrease sharply for the WM seed and more gradually for the PCC seed.
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