It has been recently reported that the spatio-temporal correlation of white matter BOLD signals in resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) can be captured using functional correlation tensors (FCTs). FCTs exhibit anisotropy information similar to diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). In this work, we employ a patch-based strategy to improve the noise-robustness of FCTs. Then, we adopt regression forest to learn a mapping from FCTs to DTs. Testing using unseen images, the predicted DTs show high similarity with the actual DTs. This validates the fact that FCTs carries information that is highly correlated with DTs.
The FCT \boldsymbol{T}_i for the voxel V_i in the input fMRI is denoted as a 3 \times 3 symmetric matrix written as:
\boldsymbol{T}_i= \begin{bmatrix}T_{xx} & T_{xy} & T_{xz} \\T_{xy} & T_{yy} & T_{yz} \\T_{xz} & T_{yz} & T_{zz} \end{bmatrix} .
The proposed FCT computed method is illustrated in Fig. 1. For an m \times m \times m neighborhood window with V_i as its center voxel, we first compute the Pearson’s correlation coefficients C_{ij} with all the voxels V_j within the window. Then, we use a patch-based strategy to measure the correlation coefficients. For two patches Q_i and Q_j with the size k \times k \times k, and Q(x,y,z) represents the voxel in the location (x,y,z) of the patch Q, we first implement voxel-wise correlation estimation of the two patches, and then fuse the estimates together following a weighted average manner to produce the final result. The equation is given as
C_{ij} = \frac{\sum^k_{x=1}\sum^k_{y=1}\sum^k_{z=1}b(x,y,z)~f_{\text{corr}}(Q_i(x,y,z),Q_j(x,y,z))}{\sum^k_{x=1}\sum^k_{y=1}\sum^k_{z=1}b(x,y,z)} ,
where f_{\text{corr}} is the function to compute the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, b(x,y,z) is the Gaussian kernel given as b(x,y,z)=\exp{(-\frac{(x-\mu)^2+(y-\mu)^2+(z-\mu)^2}{2\rho^2})}, where \mu=(k+1)/2, and \rho is the scaling coefficient.
We then obtain the unit vector \mathbf{n}_{ij} = \{n_{ij,1},n_{ij,2},n_{ij,3}\} which describes the direction from V_i to V_j. The dyadic tensor \mathbf{D}_{ij} is therefore written as:
\mathbf{D}_{ij}=\left(\begin{array}{ccc}n_{ij,1} \cdot n_{ij,1} & n_{ij,1} \cdot n_{ij,2} & n_{ij,1} \cdot n_{ij,3} \\ n_{ij,2} \cdot n_{ij,1} & n_{ij,2} \cdot n_{ij,2} & n_{ij,2} \cdot n_{ij,3} \\ n_{ij,3} \cdot n_{ij,1} & n_{ij,3} \cdot n_{ij,2} & n_{ij,3} \cdot n_{ij,3}\end{array}\right) ;
The correlation tensor \boldsymbol{T}_i is obtained by summing up all the dyadic tensors \mathbf{D}_{ij} with their corresponding C_{ij} as the weight coefficients, which is given as:
\boldsymbol{T}_i=\sum_j C_{ij}\mathbf{D}_{ij} .
Next, we incorporate the regression forest with auto-context model4 to learn the regressor for mapping FCTs to DTs. We use the patch-based strategy5-7 that the regressor maps between the 3D cubic patch of the FCTs, and the corresponding target tensor of DTI in its center voxel. The process consists of the training and testing stages. In the training stage, we randomly select the training patches of the input initial FCTs from the whole brain region. The features are then computed from each patch for training the regressor. The feature extraction process generally follows the work of Zhang et al.7. In the testing stage, every voxel in the whole brain region of the input FCT images are selected. The patches are then extracted, along with the features by following the same settings as in the training stage. The regressor is then applied to compute the mapped tensor estimates.
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