Rates of extreme-prematurity are increasing worldwide. Neuroimaging studies allow us to investigate the underlying tissue substrate of the broader neuropsychological differences observed in preterm cohorts; but the long-term neuroimaging phenotype of extremely-preterm adolescents is relatively unknown. Here we investigate resting-state functional MRI to establish if there is a variability in the pattern of functional networks in extremely-preterm born 19 year-olds relative to a group of their term-born peers.
Extreme prematurity is a global health concern. Rates of prematurity are increasing worldwide and the long-term impacts of extreme prematurity are only recently beginning to be understood. Although several studies have been carried out analysing structural data, less is known about the long term neurophysical functional differences. These differences can be observed using resting-state functional MRI. Our work comprises a study of extremely preterm born 19 year olds and age-matched peers, social-economically matched at 6 years of age. This work investigates how functional brain networks differ in this group in early adulthood and whether long-term functional differences observed on neuroimaging might relate to the widely observed neuropsychological and visual processing differences seen in extremely preterm born cohorts [1,2].
We investigate 142 subjects from a neuroimaging study of term-born and extremely-preterm born adolescents at 19 years of age. Imaging data were acquired on a 3T Philips Achieva. A 3D T1-weighted (TR/TE=6.93s/3.14ms) scan was acquired per subject with 1mm isotropic resolution. BOLD weighted fMRI scans were acquired with TR 3000ms, TE30ms, flip angle 80o, voxel size 2.5×2.5×3mm3, field of view (FoV) 240mm2, 50 slices acquired descending. Pulse oximetry records were available for each individual subject of this cohort but not synchronised to the MR data acquisition. We used a custom implementation of a data-driven Independent Component Analysis (ICA) artefact correction algorithm to identify and remove physiological slice artefacts. Preprocessing of BOLD-fMRI scans comprised motion-realignment and subsequent application of a General Linear Model (GLM) including band pass regressors, the 6 motion realignment parameters and ICA physiological noise components. We inspected all individual subject independent components (ICs) for pronounced MR artefacts. We compute a common spatial group template by non-linear registration and subsequently averaging all T1 scans. We compute an affine registration between BOLD-fMRI and T1 image space for each subject, and combine affine registration and non-linear to obtain the mapping into a subsampled fMRI group template obtained from the T1 group space. We exclude 35 subjects with severe MR artefacts prior to ICA. All preprocessed and spatially normalized BOLD-fMRI scans are temporally normalized to ensure zero mean and unit standard deviation. BOLD-fMRI scans are concatenated in time to estimate 40 ICs [3,4]. Subsequently, we use dual regression to obtain 40 individual time courses and corresponding spatial maps for each subject. Individual spatial maps are smoothed with a 6mm kernel to account for anatomical differences in the group comparison. We compare brain networks among the 40 spatial IC maps between 72 term-born and 67 preterm-born subjects. We also compare the correlation of the brain networks time courses within each subject between the different groups. We correct spatial difference maps for each IC for multiple comparison with the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure at p<=0.05.
Our results have established common resting state networks in the extremely-preterm 19 year old brain and compared these to those present in a cohort of term-born peers. Of note we do not observe any striking differences in the types of pattern obtained. The only network demonstrating strong difference between extreme-preterm and term groups is the visual network. It is well known that preterm cohorts are more susceptible to visual impairment, and our results may represent a neuroimaging manifestation of this impairment, which is believed to be more than a retinal pathology and extend to the visual processing regions of the cortex. Our future work will bridge the gap between network-based neuroimaging and objective functional impairment in this cohort by obtaining measurements in tasks assessing visual processing.
[1] Marlow N. et al. Neurologic and Developmental Disability at Six Years of Age after Extremely Preterm Birth. N Engl J Med 2005; 352:9-19.
[2] Blencowe et al. Preterm-associated visual impairment and estimates of retinopathy of prematurity at regional and global levels for 2010. Pediatr Res. 2013 Dec; 74(Suppl 1): 35–49.
[3] Cardoso et al.Geodesic Information Flows: Spatially-Variant Graphs and Their Application to Segmentation and Fusion. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2015 Sep;34(9):1976-88.
[4] Beckmann, C.F. and Smith, S.M., 2004. Probabilistic independent component analysis for functional magnetic resonance imaging. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 23(2), pp.137-152.
[5] Beckmann, C.F., Mackay, C.E., Filippini, N. and Smith, S.M., 2009. Group comparison of resting-state FMRI data using multi-subject ICA and dual regression. Neuroimage, 47(Suppl 1), p.S148.