Andrew Hall1, Laurentius Huber2, Daniel A Handwerker3, Javier Gonzales-Castillo3, Natasha Topolski3, and Peter A Bandettini3
1Section on Functional Imaging Methods, NIH/NIMH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2section on functional imaging methods, NIH/NIMH, 3NIH/NIMH
functional analyses move toward finer detail and higher resolution, sources of
noise that were nuisances are now becoming more significant. While noise
removal is well studied in lower-resolution, gradient echo BOLD-weighted
imaging, it is not as well understood in high resolution VASO. We examine the
efficacy of physiological noise cleaning methods that are commonly used in many
fMRI studies.
high-resolution fMRI is opening the door to non-invasive cortical
depth-dependent connectivity analyses. However, the depth-dependent variations
in baseline physiology [1] (e.g. blood volume, oxygenation) and their corresponding
susceptibility to physiological noise [2] can hamper the interpretation of
depth-dependent results, especially in resting-state data.
The purpose of this study
is to examine, quantify, and compare several common methods for physiological noise
cleaning, including regression of cardiac and respiratory traces, blood vessel
ROI time series, and specific ICA components. We discuss results of these noise
cleaning methods with respect to the specific signature of physiological noise
at high resolution. Doing so, we are focusing on the case of cortical
depth-dependent blood volume signal in human motor cortex.Methods
healthy volunteers were scanned on a 7T Siemens scanner with a 32-channel NOVA Medical
head coil at a resolution of 0.75x0.75 mm2 with 1.8 mm slice thickness, aligned
perpendicular to the cortical surface [3]. Simultaneous physiological monitoring
via pulse oximeter and pneumatic respiratory belt was employed. Physiological
signals were sampled with a Biopac® system, synchronized with fMRI data
acquisition. Respiratory and cardiac signals were sampled at each TR (3
seconds) and later used as regressors. Volunteers performed a 30 second on-off
finger tapping task, for a 720 seconds. Motion corrected image time series were
corrected for physiological noise by regressing out: (A) cardiac signal, (B) respiratory
signal, (C) both cardiac and respiratory, similar to RETROICOR [4], (D) a time series,
taken from a mask of large blood vessels within the field of view, (E) manually
selected ICA-components, derived from FSL MELODIC ICA. These regressions were
performed using the fsl_regfilt program (FSL 5.0). The efficacy of these
methods was assessed by generating cross-cortex, depth-dependent profiles of
statistical significance, quantified by a z-statistic generated by the FSL FEAT
analysis tool. Each profile was compared to the original significance of activation,
without any physiological remediation.Results
1A depicts maps of desired tapping induced activity without any removal of
physiological noise. In specific ICA components (Fig. 1B) and in maps of
cardiac-induced signal changes (Fig. D-E) clear, locally confined structures
can be identified (e.g., red arrows). Fig. 2 demonstrates the effect of
regressing out the physiological noise as a function of cortical depth. In Fig.
2A, the variance explained from physiological noise is highly dependent on the
position within the cortical depth. While respiration induced noise (orange in
Fig. 2A) is dominant in CSF areas only, cardiac induced noise (blue in Fig. 2A)
additionally affects middle cortical layers. Please note the scaling of the
y-axis; cardiac and respiratory noise can only explain less than 1% of the
variance. Discussion
fact that the physiological regressors explain a limited portion of the overall
variance is consistent with previous high-resolution studies investigating
physiological fluctuations [2]. These observations are consistent with the
interpretation that physiological noise is not the limiting factor at high
resolution. It is possible that images are mainly dominated by thermal noise
because of the smaller voxel size. This thermal sensitivity may be more
significant in resting state analyses, as compared to task-oriented experiments.
This non-physiological dominance may also be coming from the fact that the
local structures of high physiological noise (shown in Fig. 1) are far from the
ROI of the hand knob.
Subjective, image
based physiological noise cleaning can be difficult to implement effectively,
as one may inadvertently remove task-related activity, along with noise. Hence,
special care must be taken to ensure that the regressors used here are
orthogonal to the tapping induced activity. Other factors that may be influencing these
results include our lack of spatial smoothing, as when this is done, the
randomly distributed thermal noise averages out, and physiological noise is
left dominant. Conclusion
Our results suggest
that in the thermal noise dominated regime of sub-millimeter voxels,
depth-dependent physiological noise has a limited effect on fMRI signals. It is
entirely possible that thermal variations may be the dominant source of noise,
and under this assumption, it is essential to mediate it for effective
high-resolution imaging.Acknowledgements
This research is supported by the NIH Intramural Research program, specifically the Section on Functional Imaging Methods.References
[1] Goense et al., Front Comp NeuroScience, 2016, 10:article 66
[2] Polimeni et al., ISMRM, 2015, #592
[3] Huber et al., NeuroImage, 2015,
[4] Glover et al., MRM, 2000,