We optimized a spiral sequence for dual-echo cardiac gating applied to cervical spine fMRI. Dual-echo obviates dependency on variable initial longitudinal magnetization that would, otherwise, require T1 correction. Spiral acquisition allows short echo time and readout duration which maximizes SNR and BOLD contrast. Our technique improves tSNR and fMRI activation when compared with ungated sequence.
In a cardiac-gated dual-echo sequence (Fig.1), amount of initial transverse magnetization $$$S_0$$$ is different for each image volume because each is acquired synchronized to heart rate ($$$TR$$$ is not fixed, Fig.2).
$$\,\,\,S_1(t,i)| _{t={TE}_1}=S_0(t_i)e^{-{TE}_1 R_2^*(t_i)}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,i=1...N\,\,\,(1)$$
$$\,\,\,S_2(t,i)| _{t={TE}_2}=S_0(t_i)e^{-{TE}_2 R_2^*(t_i)}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,i=1...N\,\,\,(2)$$
$$S_2(i)/S_1(i)=e^{-\triangle{TE}_1 R_2^*(t_i)}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,i=1...N\,\,\,(3)$$
Equations (1) and (2) represent readout magnetization signal intensity at two $$$TE$$$ within the same cardiac acquisition period (collected for $$$N$$$ cardiac periods). Unknown initial signal intensity $$$S_0(t_i)$$$ can be eliminated by dividing the second echo readout by the first (Eqn. 3), which results in a dependence only on $$$R_2^*$$$.
The basic premise of dual-echo cardiac gating is: division of two echos in order to eliminate unknown initial magnetization $$$S_0$$$; thus, avoidance of imperfect T1 effect correction. We have optimized this technique, beyond earlier attempts,3,4 by employing a spiral sequence instead of EPI. Since the spiral begins traversal of k-space starting from its center, $$${TE}_1$$$ can be set to a much shorter value than that of EPI (5ms vs 21ms). Shorter $$${TE}_1$$$ and $$${TE}_2$$$ maximize SNR and minimize division error, while keeping $$$\triangle{TE}$$$ equal to $$$T^*_2$$$ is optimal for activation detection. We set echo times for optimal BOLD contrast at 3T ($$${TE}_1$$$=5ms, $$${TE}_2$$$=35ms, $$$\triangle{TE}$$$=30ms). Because spinal cord is highly inhomogeneous, spiral's relatively short readout duration (when compared with EPI) minimizes signal dropout and distortion.5
Cardiac-gating acquisition is inherently less time-efficient, than acquisition at a fixed $$$TR$$$, simply because some time is spent waiting for the next heart beat. These relatively longer periods between each acquisition, on the other hand, allow longitudinal signal to recover more; hence, increasing SNR. We also showed that there is further advantage, due to elimination of motion-related signal loss in these small cervical structures, resulting in increased tSNR; thus, improving image quality.
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