Measurement of bound water concentration in cortical bone with MRI is a promising method for evaluating bone fracture risk. One approach to measure bound water involves suppression of pore water signal with an adiabatic inversion-recovery pulse sequence. However, this approach requires a priori knowledge of pore water T1 which itself is expected to vary with bone porosity. We propose to minimize the effect of subject-dependent pore water T1 variation by in bound water imaging using a multiple adiabatic inversion recovery preparation optimized to suppress pore water over a broad T1 domain.
Results and Discussion
AIR and MAIR signal equation calculations are shown in Figure 2. An AIR TI = 0.3 s results in a nulling of signal exhibiting a T1 ≈ 0.430 s. However, the MAIR sequence provides robust saturation of T1 values between 0.2 and 2 s.
AIR- and MAIR-suppressed pore water signal is shown in Figure 3 for all 10 bone samples. With AIR preparation, an inversion time of about 0.3 ms produces the smallest average contribution of pore water, with a standard deviation of ≈ 2.3%. However, since pore water T1 values vary naturally within the set of samples, the AIR inversion time required to completely null pore water signal also varies. MAIR is able to improve pore water suppression by saturating signal from a broad domain of T1 values, resulting in a standard deviation of < 1%.
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