We studied the occurrence and progression of fatty infiltration, atrophy and edema-like processes in calf and thigh muscles of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 (DM1) patients. Fat fraction (FF) and muscle volume (MV) were obtained by a DIXON-sequence and T2 of muscle water (T2water) was calculated by a bi-component extended-phase-graph model. Calf and thigh muscles show fatty infiltration and increased T2water in non-fat infiltrated and fat infiltrated muscles. Atrophy is observed in four calf muscles and one thigh muscles. FF significantly increases in 10 months in fat infiltrated and non-fat infiltrated muscles, but MV only decreases in fat infiltrated thigh muscles.
We included 32 patients with DM1 (18 male, age: 45.3±12.5 years, MIRS score11: 1-5) of which 13 patients underwent a follow-up MRI at 10.1±1 months (7 male, age 45.2±3.4 years, MIRS score: 2-5). Furthermore, 10 age-matched healthy volunteers were included (5 male, age 44.1±14.3 years).
MR protocol: Subjects were examined using a 3T MR system (Siemens) and a spine/phased array coil combination placed around the lower extremity. A fat fraction map was acquired via a 2pt-DIXON (TR/TE1/TE2: 10/2.45/3.675ms, FA: 3°, voxel size: 1x1x5mm, slices: 32) or 3pt-DIXON (TE1/TE2/TE3: 2.31/3.68/5.07ms). To quantify edema-like processes multi spin-echo (MSE) images were acquired (TR: 3720ms, number of echoes (ETL): 17, echo-spacing (ES): 8ms, voxel size: 1.5x1.5x10mm, slice gap: 20mm, slices: 5).
Data analysis: Muscle water T2 relaxation (T2water) was mapped by voxel-wise fitting the MSE data using a bi-component extended phase graph (EPG) model12:
with T1water=1400ms, T1fat=365ms and α the refocusing angle. T2fat was determined per patient by a mono-component EPG model on subcutaneous fat. Since sufficient water signal is needed to obtain a reliable T2water, voxels with FFEPG>50% were excluded for further T2water analysis.
Regions of interests were drawn around calf and thigh muscles on 15 slices of the DIXON and the 5 slices of the DIXON corresponding to the T2water map. The average fat fraction (FFDIXON), T2water and muscle volume (MV) were determined for each muscle. The change in FFDIXON (ΔFFDIXON) and percentage change in MV (ΔMV) from baseline to follow-up were calculated and normalized to one year. Muscles were divided in two subgroups: non-fat infiltrated muscles (muscles_noFat, FFDIXON<10%) and fat infiltrated muscles (muscles_withFat, FFDIXON>10%).
Statistics: Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunns correction and Mann-Whitney test without correction for multiple testing were used to compare FFDIXON, T2water and MV between DM1 and healthy volunteers. FFDIXON between muscles was compared using Friedman’s ANOVA. A one-sampled t-test was used to test if ΔFF and ΔMV differed significantly from zero.
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