Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophies (LGMD) are a family of myopathies characterized by progressive degeneration and fat infiltration of muscular tissue. In the context of a study that includes Dixon, T2 quantification and diffusion MRI (dMRI), we investigated a multi-variate analysis to remove the effect of fat from concurrent measures and correlate them with clinical indexes of strength. In our dataset of highly infiltrated patients, T2 and dMRI metrics were strongly biased by fat. Our results show that it is possible to mitigate the bias by multi-variate modeling of the FF effect while retaining disease specific effects.
11 healthy controls (HC, 5 males, 45±10 years), 7 patients affected by LGMD2A (Calpain deficit, 2 males, 39±7 years) and 7 patients affected by LGMD2B (Dysferlin deficit, 3 males, 48±7 years) underwent 3T MRI of the thigh. The MRI sessions included a 15 echoes spin-echo sequence for T2 quantification (resolution 1.7x1.7x5mm3, TE/δTE=9.3/12.5ms), a 12 echoes Dixon acquisition (resolution 1x1x5mm3, TE/δTE=2.7/1.2ms) and a multi-shell dMRI scan (TE/TR=42/7000ms, resolution 1.5x1.5x6mm3, 5 b=0s/mm2, 16 directions at b=250,400s/mm2).
T2 was quantified voxel-wise with a mono-exponential model, then moved along with Dixon fat fraction (FF) maps to the corresponding dMRI space of each subject. The transformations were performed using an affine/b-spline transformation[1]. The Dixon water signal image was registered to the first b=0s/mm2, then the transformation was concatenated with the registration of the 6th T2 sequence echo to the Dixon fat signal image. Quantification of dMRI data was performed with Camino[2] using RESTORE[3] on the two-shell dMRI data to minimize IVIM effects[4]. Regions of Interest (ROIs) of the Posterior Muscles (PM), Anterior Muscles (AM), Gracilis (GR) and Sartorius (SR) were manually delineated on the Dixon of each subject, then median values of the metrics were computed for each ROI and subject.
A multi-variate regression of each MRI parameter based on FF and its group was performed:MRI_{metric}=β_0+β_{1}FF+β_{2}DIAGNOSIS, where DIAGNOSIS was a categorical variable. MRI metrics were individually corrected for fat effect but not for disease effect subtracting only the term. Boxplots of the corrected metrics were computed and differences among muscles and groups tested with the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test and the Ansari-Bradley test for dispersion. Finally, the correlations between corrected MRI parameters and clinical measures (Medical Research Council scale for muscular strength, MRC) of the adductors and quadriceps were evaluated.
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