A new algorithm to segment the acetabular cartilage based on a single 3D DESS data set is presented. This development was motivated by a need to simplify visualization of 3D quantitative maps of acetabular cartilage damage for surgical planning and arthroscopic correlation. A rapid segmentation algorithm is an important element of this framework, which will be used to guide reparative arthroscopic surgery of patients with femoroacetabular impingement.
Test Data. 3D DESS images of a unilateral hip were clinically acquired for a series of patients with FAI using a Siemens 3T MRI system and a matrix flex coil. 3D DESS sequence parameters were: FOV=20×20×8 cm3; matrix=256×256×128; TR/TE=12.3/4.9 ms; flip angle=28°; and BW=325 Hz/px. For segmentation, the 3D DESS images were loaded into BrainVoyager QX 3 and interpolated to 0.4 mm isotropic spatial resolution with a 2563 voxel bounding box centered on the femoral head.
Segmentation Algorithm. The acetabular cartilage segmentation algorithm was developed as a BrainVoyager QX plugin. First, the femoral head surface is automatically detected using spherical edge detection (Figure 1a). Second, edge-based thresholding is used to define the boundaries of the acetabular cartilage based on assumed signal ratio differences between bright cartilage and dark bone, edge detection of the neighboring femoral head articular cartilage, and proximity to the femoral head surface (Figure 1b). These boundaries are defined along radial lines extending from the center of the femoral head and projecting orthogonally to the cartilage surface. Default parameters for the edge detection were derived empirically from a series of test data sets. These default parameters enable automatic detection of the acetabular cartilage; alternatively, the parameters can be manually modified, with graphical feedback, to fine-tune the segmentation on a per-subject basis. Third, the acetabular fossa fat pad is removed by defining a cut plane through the spherical surface (Figure 1c). An initial guess is made for the cut plane position, but it must then be manually adjusted. Fourth, the transverse ligament is removed by automatically detecting it at the notch of the acetabular cartilage and then manually adjusting its extent to where it abuts the acetabular cartilage (Figure 1d). Fifth, the segmentation is smoothed (Figure 1e). Lastly, a vector along the transverse ligament and an orthogonal vector pointing to the most distant aspect of the femoral head sphere are used to define a standard orientation to guide the surgeon.
Validation Study. The acetabular cartilage for three 3D DESS test data sets that were not used in the development of the algorithm were segmented both manually (by a musculoskeletal radiologist) using ITK-SNAP 4 and semi-automatically (by a different person) using the algorithm. The algorithm was performed using default parameters. The resultant segmentations were compared numerically in Matlab using the Dice similarity metric and qualitatively by visual comparison in Paraview.5
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