Since magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can offer images of an object with different contrasts, e.g., T1-weighted or T2-weighted, the shared information between inter-contrast images can be used to benefit super-resolution. Regarding the image as a locally stationary Gaussian process and using the least square method, we found weights of a local window are to be nearly invariant to image contrasts, which can be further used to transfer the shared information from one contrast to another. We analyze this property with comprehensive mathematics and numeric experiments. The reconstructed edges are more consistent to the original high-resolution image, indicated with higher PSNR and SSIM than the compared methods.
Regarding image pixels as a locally stationary Gaussian process 6, the weights in a local window of high-resolution (HR) image can be calculated according to least square sense 6 b=(XTX)−1(XTy)
where X is a data matrix whose each row is composed of four nearest neighbors, y is the central pixel and b is the estimated weights.
In this paper, the local regression weights are very similar among multi-contrast MRI images. For example, the weights in Fig. 2 are nearly the same. The same observation is also found in other synthetic and realistic MRI images. This property is analyzed with comprehensive mathematics and numeric experiments. By using the similar weights b, the target pixel \gamma of another contrast image is interpolated according to γ=bTs
where the vector s contains four nearest pixels in LR image around the interpolated point.
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