Multiband multislab Time-of-Flight angiography has recently been proposed for reduced acquisition time and improved sensitivity in the human brain at 3T and 7T. However, in these previous studies, blood saturation has not been taken into account as blood traverses several slabs acquired simultaneously. Here a simple modeling of blood magnetization history is provided to take this saturation into account, which appears essential to avoid strong losses of blood to background signal ratio. Slab-dependent multiband-added VUSE pulses are simulated to counteract these losses both at 3T and 7T, from which a methodology is derived to optimize multiband TOF sequence parameters.
TONE3 or VUSE4 pulses intend to maintain a constant fresh blood signal by ramping up the sequence of flip angles (FA) that blood magnetization experiences as arterial blood moves upwards through a slab. Wang et al.’s5 recursive algorithm for a spoiled gradient echo sequence (GRE) is used here to derive the ideal sequence of FA’s to be specified throughout the set of slabs acquired simultaneously, taking magnetization longitudinal regrowth into account between the slabs and assuming a constant blood flow velocity v along the z-axis (transverse to the slabs). Let FOVz be the total field-of-view along z, Ns the number of slabs to cover FOVz, Th each slab thickness (Th=FOVz/Ns), MB the multiband acceleration factor, TR the pulse repetition time, T1 the blood relaxation time (E1=e-TR/T1), M0 its thermal equilibrium magnetization, Ms,p (Ss,p) its longitudinal magnetization before (its signal after) RF pulse p in slab s, θs,p the pulse FA series experienced by blood in slab s (p={0...Np–1} with Np= ceil(Th/(v.TR)); s={0…Ns –1}), and θ=θ0,0. Three cases are considered to compute Ms,p depending on the RF pulse scheme: 1/ constant-FA simplification,6 2/ FA adjusted between slabs, 3/ constant blood signal enforcement with ideal VUSE pulses. Their computational model is given in Fig. 1.
For brain TOF acquisition, the blood signal should be enhanced with respect to that of the background white matter (WM) in steady state: the worst case WM signal is computed from SWM= maxs,p(MSSWM.e-TE/T2*.sinθs,p) where MSSWM is given in eq.2 with WM parameters in Table 1. Assuming FOVz=144 mm covers most human brains, two multiband scenarios were analyzed at 3T and 7T (using parameters in Table 1): {Ns=4, MB=2}2 and {Ns=9, MB=3}1.
When considering the third case above, the Blood to WM signal Ratio BWR = Sblood/SWM is plotted as a function of the TOF sequence parameters θ and TR in Fig.2, at 3T and 7T. As can be seen from the “tidal waves” on the plots, this dependency hints that TR should be minimized while θ should be maximized. Nevertheless this can only be achieved if the blood velocity is not too small. Otherwise blood reaches the threshold where, before it comes out of the last multiband slab, its saturation can no longer be compensated by increasing the FA within the slabs (θNs-1,Np-1 in eq.3 must remain < 90°). Given v and TR, enforcement of a constant blood signal through multiband slabs then yields constraints on maximum θ. These constraints are represented by the blue wave crests for v = 10cm/s on Fig.2. Note how fairly constant BWR remains on those crests. Therefore TR should be chosen as small as possible with regards to SAR constraints. Then given a targeted v, the optimal θ can be found on the wave crest as in Fig.3a. For TR = 20ms, this initial FA is plotted in Fig.3b as a function of v in all four scenarios.
Now, as shown in Fig.4a, the relative BWR loss is important when using constant or slab-dependent FA settings rather than constant blood signal VUSE-pulse enforcement. At last, BWR is also represented as a function of v in all four scenarios for TR=20 ms in Fig.4b, which shows the MB=3 scenario should be favored over MB=2.
Blood saturation should not be ignored in multiband multislab TOF experiments, as it can lead to a 50% drop in blood to WM signal ratio. At least FA adjustment between multiband slabs should be considered. Moreover, whenever possible, slab-dependent ramp pulses should be added to generate optimal multiband TOF pulses so as to maintain an even contrast between arterial blood and brain parenchyma. A simple methodology was introduced to optimize multiband TOF sequence parameters, allowing in particular to specify slab FA ramps.1. Schulz, J., Boyacioglu, R. and Norris, D. G. Multiband multislab 3D time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography for reduced acquisition time and improved sensitivity. Magn. Reson. Med. 2016, 75: 1662–1668.
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