Andre Monteiro Paschoal1, Renata Ferranti Leoni1, Antonio Carlos dos Santos2, Bernd Uwe Foerster, and Fernando Fernandes Paiva3
1Physics Department, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, 2Internal medicine, Medical School of Ribeirao Preto, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, 3Physics Institute of Sao Carlos, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Brazil
Spin Labeling (ASL) is a powerful technique to evaluate cerebral blood flow. To
analyze hemodynamics effects with ASL, multiples acquisitions over the time are
realized, which is called multiphase ASL. In conventional multiphase ASL
methods, the later phases has low contrast to noise ratio, so it becomes
difficult to analyze it. This study purposes a solution to this problem,
through a modulation in the acquisition flip angle. With this technique, the
flip angle of all phases follows a modulation equation, so that the ASL signal
over the phases becomes nearly constant.
Spin Labeling (ASL)1, 2 is a non-invasive method to measure
perfusion quantitatively. A radiofrequency pulse labels arterial blood protons,
which flow through the vascular tree and exchange water with the unlabeled
brain tissue, where MR images are acquired. Usually, a single delay time (TI)
between labeling and image acquisition is used. However, since arrival time varies
from different brain regions, defining a single TI may compromise proper CBF
quantification. Multiphase ASL was proposed to overcome that issue. In this
case, a set of images are acquired after different TIs. In conventional
multiphase ASL acquisition, the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) decreases over
the phases due the effects of longitudinal relaxation time (T1) and multiple excitations
in the image region, the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) decreases over the
phases, so that analyzes the latter phases becomes difficult. It is especially
critical to evaluate patients with cerebrovascular diseases associated with
delayed arterial arrival time, such as stroke and carotid stenosis. To overcome
this problem, we propose an optimization of the acquisition scheme using
variable flip angle.Methods
optimized the acquisition scheme using variable flip angles determined by
setting the condition that the difference between control and labeled images
were constant for all phases. In that case, flip angle for the i-th phase is
given by3:
was performed using Matlab to investigate the efficiency of proposed method
when compared to the constant flip angle implementation. Healthy adult
volunteers (N=20) and patients with severe unilateral carotid stenosis (N=12) were
scanned in a 3T Achieva Philips system equipped with high performance gradient
system and a 32-channel head coil. Images were acquired using a GE-EPI sequence
with the following parameters: TR/TE=4000/18ms, FOV=240x240mm2, matrix=64x64,
slice thickness=6mm and 8 phases acquired with TIs ranging from 675ms to 2600ms
and 35 ASL acquisitions.
Figure 1 show
simulation of the signal intensity for multiphase ASL acquisition using conventional
acquisition with constant flip angle (left) and the proposed method (right). In
the first case, a systematic reduction of ASL signal can be noticed while
modulation of flip angle results in an approximately constant ASL. Figure 2
shows representative multiphase data acquired from a healthy volunteer using
conventional approach (a) and flip angle modulation (b). For conventional
approach, the average signal intensity shows significant reduction starting
from fourth phase while it stays almost unchanged for the proposed method.
Figure 3 shows the average ASL signal in gray matter
through all
phases for healthy volunteers. Figure 4 shows anatomical (a) and multiphase
data acquired from a patient with partial occlusion in the right side of
internal carotid artery with reduced flow using conventional approach (b) and
flip angle modulation (c). The regions irrigated by the right middle and
posterior carotid arteries have low perfusion in first phases. Due to low CNR
in latter phases, it is difficult to know if blood is arriving while analyzing
data obtained using the conventional approach. For the proposed method, it is
possible to see that blood starts to perfuse tissue around the 5th phase.Discussion
results obtained from simulations and healthy controls clearly show that flip
angle modulation optimizes the contrast to noise ratio in later phases of
multiphase ASL acquisition. Even though according to the simulations the signal
intensity of the perfusion-weighted image in a multiple phase acquisition can
achieve higher values for earlier phases when using conventional approach, it
usually occurs for time points when the spins from labeled blood are in larger
vessels and have high signal compromising the accuracy of the CBF estimation.
The evaluation of patients with severe unilateral carotid stenosis evidences
the importance of the proposed modulation to differentiate regions with delayed
transit time from regions with reduced blood flow.
proposed flip angle modulation for multiphase ASL is an efficient way to
increase CNR in later phases. This may expand the applicability of the technique,
which might become an important tool for helping diagnosing patients with
cerebrovascular diseases associated with delayed arterial arrival time.Acknowledgements
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Paschoal, A. M.; Leoni, R. F.;
Santos, A. ; Foerster, B. U. ; Paiva, F. F. . ASL Contrast Optimization in
Multiphase STAR Labeling using Variable Flip Angle. In: Organization for Human
Brain Mapping, 2015, Honolulu. Proceedings of the Organization for Human Brain
Mapping, 2015. v.