The unwrapping of phase data is a common problem in MRI. However, its solution is non-trivial for 2D or 3D images, and there has been some general research in this direction, notably in the field of optics. The two most pupular algorithms for MRI applications are: (i) a Laplacian-based method that is fast but inaccurate; (ii) a region-merging optimization method that is accurate but very slow. Here, we propose the adoption of a recently developed and freely available unwrap algorithm that significantly outperforms the other considered methods, allowing for both fast and accurate calculation of unwrapped phase images.
Full brain 3D-FLASH images were acquired (using MAGNETOM Siemens scanners):
Verio 3T
- TR=30ms, TE=17ms, \alpha=13\mathrm{°}, 0.8\;\mathrm{mm} isotropic resolution; matrix size: 208\mathrm{x}256\mathrm{x}160
- Tx: body coil, Rx: 32-channel head coil;
- 1 healthy volunteer (female, age: 30).
- T_R=29\;\mathrm{ms}, T_E=18.35\;\mathrm{ms}, \alpha=11.23\mathrm{°}, 0.6\;\mathrm{mm} isotropic resolution; matrix size: 260\mathrm{x}320\mathrm{x}256
- circularly polarized Tx / 32-channel Rx head coil;
- 1 healthy volunteer (female, age: 25).
Three unwrapping algorithms were tested:
1. The Laplacian-based method4, as implemented by the PyMRT Python package (giving identical results to the MATLAB implementation by the Nottingham group);
2. The region-mergin optimization method5 as implemented by FSL 5.06;
3. The sorting-path method7,8 as implemented in the scikit.image Python package (a command-line interface to that is provided in PyMRT).
Computation times for the different unwrapping solutions are reported for calculation with a workstation equipped with an Intel® Core™ i7-3770K CPU @3.50GHz quad-core processor and 16 GB of memory. The accuracy of the unwrapping was evaluated by calculating the difference between the unwrapped and the wrapped images, and the normalized mutual information coefficient nMI, with low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) voxels excluded from the computations, because the phase information is not well defined there.
For both 3T and 7T data, the wrapped image (Fig.[1]), the difference with the unwrapped image, and the histogram of the difference, for the three tested methods are shown in Fig.[2],[3],[4]. The region-merging optimization and the sorting-path methods are remarkably accurate, as evident from the very flat appearance of the difference images, and its corresponding histograms, where extremely sharp peaks (separated by 2\pi multiples) are observed. On the contrary, the Laplacian-based method is relatively inaccurate, as evidenced by the difference images and the corresponding histograms, where the expected 2\pi peaks are too broad to be resolved.
A summary of the algorithms performance (both nMI and execution time T_X) for all implementations is presented in Fig.[5]. The region-merging optimization algorithm execution time is remarkably longer compared to the other two, the sorting-path method being the fastest with the tested implementation).
The difference image cannot be used for direct quantification of the accuracy because the phase is defined up to an arbitrary constant offset. However, the difference between the unwrapped and the wrapped images should only contain values that are multiple of 2\pi. Deviations from this behavior is reflected relatively well by the degradation (decrease) of the normalized mutual information coefficient.
Additionally, the Laplacian operator is implemented in the Fourier domain and is relatively sensitive to the parameters affecting the numerical values of the discrete Fourier transform, notably the matrix size. In particular we observed a different bias introduced in the Laplacian-based unwrapping when investigating the effect of the matrix size on the final results. However, they were all qualitatively similar, and the accuracy improved only marginally for larger matrix sizes. Regarding the speed of the Laplacian-based method, the tested implementation rely on the efficiency of the Fourier transform, and other implementations might be faster.
Note that the Laplacian operator is also used in other MRI applications, notably quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), which may be relatively robust against to (possibly only the low frequency components of) the bias introduced in the unwrapped images by the Laplacian-based unwrapping method. This aspect remains to be investigated.
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