Idealized models of cylinders for the vasculature are used in several quantitative MRI techniques such as for perfusion, CBV, vessel size and vascular MR fingerprinting. While limitations of these models are recognized, a direct comparison of the predicted MR signal between different cylinder models and those using a real vasculature as substrate has not been done to our knowledge. Here we compare the sensitivity of the MR signal for the GESFIDE sequence for 4 sets of , models of cylinders and 6 realistic angiograms from mouse somatosensory cortex. In general, simulation results are all different between the different angiograms and the different models of cylinders. This suggests that much care should be used in interpreting literature results based on models of cylinders, or as well with models on angiograms, to account for the possibility of biases in the absolute results. Correlations and differences in absolute values, for some parameters, may perhaps be less subject to bias.
Idealized models of cylinders for the vasculature are used in several quantitative MRI techniques such as for blood vessel size1,2 and vascular MR fingerprinting3. While limitations of these models are recognized4,5,6, a direct comparison of the predicted MR signal between different cylinder models and those using a real vasculature as substrate has not been done to our knowledge. Here we compare the sensitivity of the MR signal for the GESFIDE sequence for 4 models of cylinders and 6 realistic angiograms from mouse somatosensory cortex.
While extracted parameters will generally be biased, the similarities in the signal sensitivities for some of the parameters of the different models suggest that perhaps correlations and differences of these extracted parameters could be used meaningfully.
Studying other MR sequences would be of interest.
The present charts generated with 107 protons were compared to charts with 2*105 protons and no visible differences were noted.
MR signals from random cylinders do not behave like an average of the signals from a number of realistic angiograms.
Sensitivities to parameters from simulations with random cylinders and angiograms generally follow similar patterns, but the actual signal values are different. In some instances, even the patterns differ substantially.
This suggests that much care should be used in interpreting MR measurements which are derived from experimental data combined with the use of MR signal simulations.
In future work, we will quantify how much of the signal differences between angiograms and cylinders is due to the heterogeneity in SatO2 values vs that in the vascular diameters.
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7. Gagnon, L. et al. Validation and optimization of hypercapnic-calibrated fMRI from oxygen-sensitive two-photon microscopy. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 371, 20150359 (2016).