Flexible Prospective Compressed Sensing Acceleration of Prostate DCE-MRI with Quantized CIRCUS
James A Rioux1,2,3, Nathan J Murtha1,3, Allister Mason3, Chris V Bowen1,2,3,4, Sharon Clarke1,2,3, and Steven D Beyea1,2,3,4

1Biomedical Translational Imaging Centre (BIOTIC), Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax, NS, Canada, 2Diagnostic Radiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, 3Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, 4Biomedical Engineering, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada


Improving the temporal resolution of dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI sequences often requires a reduction in image spatial resolution or quality. We propose an acquisition and reconstruction strategy, Quantized CIRCUS, which allows reconstruction of prospectively accelerated DCE-MRI data with desired spatial and temporal resolution, similar to golden-angle radial acquisition schemes but using Cartesian sampling. We demonstrate that this approach allows improved temporal resolution compared to standard clinical methods, without significant degradation of image quality or resolution, which may provide more accurate information for diagnosis of diseases like prostate cancer.


Accelerated dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI is an area of significant interest, since increased temporal resolution may permit more accurate assessment of pharmacokinetics and diagnosis of tissue pathologies such as cancer. However, the degree of undersampling that can be achieved without significant loss of image quality or time course fidelity cannot always be determined a priori, and prescribing an acceleration factor that produces high temporal resolution may result in poor image quality or vice-versa. This has led to strategies such as golden angle radial sampling (GRASP1) in which arbitrary numbers of radial lines can be retrospectively combined without significant overlap. In this work we demonstrate a related approach based on CIRcular Cartesian UnderSampling (CIRCUS2) that uses combinations of rudimentary sampling ‘quanta’ to allow reconstruction of images at multiple effective undersampling rates.


CIRCUS involves sampling points along nested squares, with spacing between points on the same square governed by the golden ratio. For an NxN square matrix, the smallest possible sampling pattern (quantum) is a single radial line of N/2 points. Two user-specified parameters introduce shear or twist to these quanta, changing the incoherence of the sampling. Our approach involves collecting large numbers of successive quanta and combining them retrospectively to achieve desired undersampling factors (see Figure 1). For a given matrix size and shear/twist parameters, the undersampling pattern is deterministic and is easily computed during scan prescription. The central 6x6 points in k-space are fully sampled at regular intervals to help stabilize the reconstruction, which was performed using the pics command of the BART toolbox3.

Images were acquired on a 3T MR750 system (GE Healthcare, Waukesha WI) with a 32-channel RF coil. Research protocols were approved by the local REB. Two subjects undergoing a clinically indicated prostate MRI exam were prospectively recruited, and returned shortly after their clinical exam for a second scan session in which accelerated DCE-CIRCUS data was collected. Acquisition parameters were: 224x192x30 matrix, 340x340x90mm FOV, TR=4ms, FA=12, 2 echoes for fat-water separation with FLEX. 17 temporal phases were acquired, each consisting of 200 unique quanta and 20 fully-sampled central regions. The time between central regions (i.e. the best possible temporal resolution that can be reconstructed) was 750ms and the time for each phase was 15s, for a total scan time of 4:15. Parameter-matched DCE-DISCO4 images from the clinical exam were used for comparison; this series had 60 temporal phases collected at an effective temporal resolution of 3.6 seconds after view sharing (total scan time 3:36). All reconstructed CIRCUS images were registered as closely as possible to the first volume of the DISCO series. Pharmacokinetic parameter mapping of all reconstructed time series was performed with GenIQ (GE Healthcare).

Results and Discussion

Figure 2 shows representative individual images from DISCO and CIRCUS time series. Image quality is influenced primarily by the number of quanta used to sample the periphery of k-space. Small fat-water separation artifacts sometimes appear when using small numbers of calibration regions (data not shown) which may impose a lower limit on the achievable temporal resolution. Figure 3 shows time courses from representative voxels, confirming that using fewer central regions improves temporal resolution, up to 2X that of DISCO with nc=2. Computed pharmacokinetic maps (e.g. Ktrans in Figure 3c) also appear similar; further analysis and simulation will be needed to evaluate what additional diagnostic information is provided by the increased temporal resolution of this method, and to assess how the number of peripheral quanta impacts temporal behavior in smaller structures.

The quantized CIRCUS acquisition scheme allows straightforward combination of different numbers of central regions and peripheral quanta to optimize spatial and temporal quality for a given application. This is possible in radial imaging only by enforcing data fidelity over a limited number of spokes [1]. In the data shown, each volume in the time series was reconstructed separately, but processing all acquired data simultaneously may further improve performance by allowing more appropriate regularization or model-based reconstructions of the entire time course5.


Quantized CIRCUS permits flexible retrospective reconstruction of DCE-MRI data similar to radial approaches but with a Cartesian sampling strategy. The temporal resolution of DCE-MRI data can be significantly improved compared to standard protocols while retaining comparable image quality.


Funding for this research was provided by the Atlantic Innovation Fund, an Investigator Sponsored Research Agreement with GE Healthcare, and the NSERC Discovery Grant program (SDB).


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Figure 1: Combination of CIRCUS data. Calibration regions covering the central 6x6 points in k-space are interleaved with groups of quanta (10 quanta per group in this example). Images are formed from any desired number of central regions (nc) and quanta groups (nq), allowing retrospective trade-off of spatial image quality and temporal resolution within the same prospectively undersampled dataset. For DCE applications, the effective acquisition time of a reconstructed image is computed as the mean acquisition time of its constituent central regions, and the nq nearest quanta groups are selected to form the periphery.

Figure 2: Image quality comparison of DCE-DISCO with DCE-CIRCUS. (a) Image from a clinical DISCO acquisition, temporal resolution tres=3.6s, with an effective undersampling factor of R=3.2 after view sharing. (b) CIRCUS image, nc=nq=20, tres=15s, R=2.2. (c) CIRCUS image, nc=nq=5, tres=3.75s, R=7. Significant residual artifacts remain due to high undersampling of the k-space periphery. (d) CIRCUS image, nc=2, nq=20, tres=1.5s, R=2.2. Overall quality is similar to (b) since an equal number of peripheral quanta are used in the reconstruction.

Figure 3. Temporal comparison of DCE-DISCO with DCE-CIRCUS. (a) Time courses from a pixel within an artery, used as the arterial input function for PK parameter calculation. Blue: DISCO (temporal resolution, tres=3.6s), Red: CIRCUS nc=20 (tres=15s), Black: CIRCUS nc=5 (tres=3.75s), Green: CIRCUS nc=2 (tres=1.5s). All CIRCUS images have nq=20. Since the DISCO data was acquired with a separate contrast injection, the time to bolus arrival is not identical. (b) Time courses from a pixel within the prostate, same colors as (a). (c) Maps of kTrans over the prostate for DISCO, CIRCUS nc=20, CIRCUS nc=5, and CIRCUS nc=2.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)