We propose the use of Hadamard encoding for Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) of the full displacement vector field (4D-MRE). To this end, motion is encoded along the four diagonals of the regular cube spanned by the main gradient axes. This allows for a factor four higher phase accumulation compared to classical, unbalanced four-point encoding within the same acquisition time. In this abstract, we demonstrate the increase in phase-to-noise ratio for a gel phantom and show the direct benefit of using Hadamard encoding in-vivo to capture high-quality wave displacement maps in the brain.
In Figure 3a, a correlation plot of unbalanced four-point and Hadamard encoding is displayed for the gel phantom, showing excellent correlation. In Figure 3b and c, Bland-Altman plots of the two methods are shown, clearly depicting the considerable reduction of displacement map noise for Hadamard encoding (0.29 μm vs. 0.51 μm for unbalanced four-point encoding). The theoretically achievable PNR is given by ϵ−1u4pϵHad/√2≈2.3, where ϵ denotes the encoding efficiencies of the two methods (see Table 1). The achieved PNR increase of 1.8 is lower as additional experimental noise contributions to PNR are not being taken into account in the above analysis.
In Figure 4, displacement maps for one selected slice of the 3D in-vivo brain scans of two volunteers are presented for four-point and Hadamard encoding and all three motion encoding directions, which are in very good qualitative and quantitative agreement. Due to limited wave coupling of the mechanical actuator, only one propagation direction shows pronounced waves. Hadamard encoding allows for better visualization of displacement amplitudes in low-amplitude regions (black-to-green) and overall leads to a reduction of noise.
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