This experiment sought to explore PET/MRI attenuation correction with a 3D printed skull phantom used to mimic bone attenuation and MR characteristics.
The phantom was based on a subject in which CT DICOM data was acquired previously and bone segmentation was applied. A 3D model of the skull was rendered from the data, which was then exported to a Stereolithographic(.STL) format. The phantom was 3D printed with a material similar to gypsum called calcium sulfate hemihydrate1 using a ProJet 660pro printer2. The phantom was then infiltrated with 100 mL of cyanoacrylate and allowed to cure for twenty-four hours3. A 500-ml saline reservoir was installed into the phantom and 3700 kBq of F-18 isotope was injected into the reservoir. The phantom was scanned using a simultaneous PET/MRI (Signa, GE Healthcare), and a PET/CT (Discovery VCT, GE Healthcare). The MRAC sequence used for the PET/MRI was a LAVA-FLEX 2-point Dixon sequence (TR/TE1/TE2 = 4.0/1.3/2.6 ms, FA= 5°, acquisition time of 18 sec, FOV=50cm, matrix size: 256×256×120, and voxel size=1.95×1.95×5.2 mm3). This was combined with a brain atlas and the measured attenuation of the head coil to create a MRAC map4. A 3D UTE sequence with 2.5 mm isotropic resolution was used for T1 and T2* mapping using a variable flip angle approach for T1 mapping5 with flips of 7° and 20°, and 8 TEs between 20 µs and 5 ms for T2* mapping (Fig. 2).
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