Morgane Le Garrec1, Vincent Gras1, Michel Luong2, and Nicolas Boulant1
1DRF/I2BM/NeuroSpin, CEA, Gif sur Yvette, France, 2DRF/Irfu/SACM, CEA, Gif sur Yvette, France
Despite its power to
mitigate B1+-inhomogeneity, subject-specific tailored parallel
transmission (pTx) suffers from a cumbersome workflow involving measurement of
field maps as well as online pulse design. Recently however, it was shown that
RF inhomogeneity-mitigating (universal) pulses could be found offline to work
robustly over a given B1+ maps-database, thus potentially sparing
the user the time-consuming calibration. To gain further performance with
improved database matching for universal pulses, in this work we investigate with
electromagnetic simulations the intersubject B1+ map variability by
systematically varying position (in Z and Y), head length and head breadth of a
reference head model.
Parallel transmission (pTx) so far has suffered from a
time-consuming workflow necessitating the measurement of field maps and online
pulse design. Universal pulses were recently proposed to spare the pTx user
this cumbersome procedure1. Assuming a certain reproducibility of B1+
maps across subjects, the approach consists of blindly applying pulses that
were designed, offline, to work robustly over a database made of several B1+/DB0 maps. The performance of these pulses
was demonstrated numerically and experimentally at 7T in head imaging1.
In this work we investigate numerically the reproducibility of these maps to
propose database matching strategies and minimum size of database to achieve
sufficient robustness.Methods
The coil under study was the 8 Tx-Rx Rapid biomedical
coil (Rapid biomedical, Rimpar, Germany). Our home-made female 9-tissues
surface-based head model underwent translations in Z (TZ), translations in Y
(TY), deformations in head length (HL) and head breadth (HB) that were
considered significant given the adult Caucasian statistics2 (up to √6 standard
deviations). A total of 33 electromagnetic
(EM) simulations was executed by varying these parameters one by one or
simultaneously in the HFSS (Ansys, Canonsburg, PA, USA) solver. The
correlations between the returned field maps were then calculated over the
intersection of their brain masks (the region used to design the RF pulses) in
the laboratory frame (method #1) or in the “brain frame”, after undoing the
translations in TZ and TY (method #2) (Fig.1). Universal pulses were designed
for one small tip angle kT-points excitation3 on three
different databases consisting of: D1 (subjects #1-33), D2 (subjects #1-20
corresponding to 0≤TZ≤+36 mm) and D3 (subjects #14-33 corresponding to –36 mm ≤
TZ ≤ 0). Each pulse design consisted of minimizing the worst flip angle
normalized root mean square error (FA-NRMSE) across subjects in the
corresponding databases1, under explicit constraints4.
For more realistic calculations, ΔB0 maps were synthetized for each head configuration5.
Once a pulse was designed, individual FA-NRMSEs were computed for each of the
33 subjects using a Bloch simulation, thus allowing to determine a potential
gain in partitioning the full database according to intervals in Z. Finally, to analyze the impact of the size of
the database on the robustness of the NRMSE, the same kT-points
universal pulse was designed on databases made of N = 2 and up to 26 subjects,
taken randomly out of the 33 subjects. For each N, the procedure was repeated
20 times to select randomly 20 different subsets out of the possible
combinations. Results
Figure 2 reports the
channel-by-channel B1+ correlations between the reference model and the models
obtained by varying TZ, TY, HL or HB. Method #2 reveals that the maps are
highly similar when the brain maps are realigned, indicating a relative “attachment”
of the B1+ maps to the head. Method #1 on the other hand reveals
that the most sensitive transformation otherwise is TZ. Figure 3 shows the FA-NRMSE
results across the 33 subjects, for the universal kT-points pulses
and for the different partitioning strategies. In agreement with the
correlations, Z is found in this case to be the most sensitive parameter and consequently,
segmenting the database according to the Z position of the head can improve the
universal pulses NRMSEs. Figure 4 finally shows that the FA-NRMSEs across the
33 subjects roughly converges when the number of subjects included in the universal
pulse design exceeds 20 subjects. Discussion and conclusion
This work presents a
B1+ maps intersubject variability study to propose database matching
strategies for universal pulses. In the frame attached to the brains, the B1+
maps are highly similar and provide additional motivation for finding non
selective kT-point pulses able to produce fairly homogeneous FA
profiles disregarding possible variations in the position or the size of the
head. By partitioning the full database (33 head models) into Z intervals for
database matching, the universal pulse design performance indeed could be
noticeably improved. The minimum size of the database to obtain the NRMSE robustness
over 33 different models in this work was estimated at around 20. While this
number certainly increases the computing demand compared to subject-based
tailored solutions, it remains reasonable considering that the calculation is
performed offline. Finally, the variations enforced on the average head model
to perform this study explored large, somewhat unlikely occurring values from a
statistical standpoint2. As a result, the worst case NRMSEs in Fig.4
correspond most likely to rare scenarios, so that the size of the database can
possibly be decreased further at around N = 12. Acknowledgements
The research leading
to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under
the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2013-2018), ERC Grant
Agreement n. 309674.References
[1] Gras V et al. MRM doi: 10.1002/mrm.26148. [2] Ball R et al. Applied ergonomics 2010 ;41 :832-839. [3] Cloos M et al. MRM 2012;67 :72-80. [4] Hoyos-Idrobo et al. IEEE Trans Med Imag 2014 ;33 :739-748. [5] Salomir R et al. Concepts Magn Reson Part B 2003;19B:26-34.