Turbo Spin-Echo sequences (TSE) are frequently characterized by high local specific absorption rate (SAR), a limiting factor for their application. Here we show that the direct signal control (DSC) framework can drastically reduce the local SAR response of a TSE sequence by expanding the search-space for the amplitude and phase RF weights. A solution is found which enforces optimal contrast behavior and local SAR limits across different shim settings. A cardiac exam at 3 Tesla MRI is used as simulated test case.
The Optimal control DSC problem is outlined as:
where \mathbf{P}=(p_{j,\ell}) contains all dynamic (complex) weighting terms. \ell and j denote, respectively, the channel and time indexes. \mathbf{t} is the vector of target signal responses. \mathbf{f} represents the signal responses of the SR-EPG model (i.e. the F^+_0 configuration state). Constraints on the maximum average power per channel, \pi_{\max}, and peak power are included.
To include the local SAR constraint, we assume that virtual-observation-points matrices \mathbf{Q}_n are available[3].
Denoting by b_j(t) the RF pulse waveform at the j-th excitation (these could be different for each excitation), the SAR for the n-th VOP over the whole TSE sequence is: SAR_n=\sum_{j=1}^J\pi_j\mathbf{p}_j^H\mathbf{Q}_n\mathbf{p}_j where \pi_j is the power of the j-th RF waveform (a fixed parameter) and \mathbf{p}_j the corresponding RF weights. The local SAR can be calculated directly from the dynamic complex weights \mathbf{P}.
Expanding the original problem, we obtain the local-SAR optimized version:
\begin{array}{rl}\mathbf{P}^{\text{opt}} =\arg\min&\|\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{P})-\mathbf{t}\|^2\\ \text{such that} & \sum_{j=1}^J|p_{j,\ell}|^2\leq\pi_{\max},\quad\ell=1,\dots,L\\& |p_{j,\ell}|^2\leq \text{peak}^2_{\max},\quad \ell=1,\dots,L\quad\text{and }j=1,\dots J\\ &\sum_{j=1}^J\pi_j\mathbf{p}_j^H\mathbf{Q}_n\mathbf{p}_j\leq \text{SAR}_{\max},\quad n=1,\dots,N.\end{array}
The derivatives of the SAR constraint are quickly calculated by the compact expressions:
\begin{array}{ccc}\frac{\partial}{\partial\mathbf{p}_{m}^{R}}\sum_{j=1}^J\pi_j\mathbf{p}_j^H\mathbf{Q}_n\mathbf{p}_j&=&2\pi_j\left[(\mathbf{p}^R_m)^T\mathbf{Q}_n^R+(\mathbf{p}^I_m)^T\mathbf{Q}_n^I\right]\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial\mathbf{p}_{m}^{I}}\sum_{j=1}^J\pi_j\mathbf{p}_j^H\mathbf{Q}_n\mathbf{p}_j&=&2\pi_j\left[(\mathbf{p}^I_m)^T\mathbf{Q}_n^R-(\mathbf{p}^R_m)^T\mathbf{Q}_n^I\right] \end{array}
where R and I denote, respectively, the Real and Imaginary part of the variable: \mathbf{p}_m=\mathbf{p}^R_m+\imath\mathbf{p}^I_m and \mathbf{Q}_n=\mathbf{Q}^R_n+\imath\mathbf{Q}^I_n.
We consider a 2D cardiac TSE sequence at 3T with 16 echoes in the train. The target response corresponds to a standard 90^o-180^o scheme. (T_E,T_R)=(5.9,1060)ms. An 8 Tx channel coil[4] is employed. The measured transmit fields[5] are shown in Fig.1. The NORMAN model[6] was employed for SAR calculations, which is compressed to 419 VOPs.
The DSC design algorithm is run for three configurations:
1) 1W/Kg maximum local SAR,
2) 2W/Kg maximum local SAR,
3) without local SAR constraints.
These configurations are all constrained by average and peak power per channel.In addition, we report also the obtained SAR and signal response for the quadrature-mode excitation.
The DSC problem is implemented in Matlab on a desktop PC. Exact derivatives are calculated as in [2] and as outlined in the previous paragraph.
The present research was funded by the following grants:
Dutch Technology Foundation (STW) Grant 14125
EPSRC (UK research councils) grant number EP/L00531X/1
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