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Fast motion robust abdominal stack of stars imaging using coil compression and soft gating
Tao Zhang1, Ty A Cashen2, Kang Wang2, André Fischer3,4, and Ersin Bayram1

1Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Houston, TX, United States, 2Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Madison, WI, United States, 3GE Global Research Europe, Garching bei München, Germany, 4Cardiac Center of Excellence, GE Healthcare, Garching bei München, Germany


Stack of stars trajectory with golden angle ordering provides better motion robustness than Cartesian imaging for abdominal MRI. However, image reconstruction for non-Cartesian datasets is usually time-consuming, especially for datasets with high-density coil arrays. While additional motion correction methods can improve image quality for stack of stars, they often further increase the reconstruction time. In this work, we aim to reduce the reconstruction time for stack of stars using coil compression and improve motion robustness with a similar reconstruction time using soft gating.


Stack of stars trajectory with golden angle ordering provides better motion robustness than Cartesian imaging for abdominal MRI1,2. However, image reconstruction for non-Cartesian datasets is usually time-consuming, especially for datasets with high-density coil arrays. While additional motion correction methods can improve image quality for stack of stars, they often further increase the reconstruction time3,4. In this work, we aim to reduce the reconstruction time for stack of stars using coil compression5 and improve motion robustness with a similar reconstruction time using soft gating6.


(1) Coil compression

Coil compression was applied to reduce the computation for stack of stars reconstruction with high-density coil arrays. A geometric-decomposition coil compression (GCC) method5 was used in this work, including a slice-by-slice coil compression and alignment of coil compression matrices along the slice direction. Compared with single coil compression (SCC)7, GCC exploits the spatially varying data redundancy of coil arrays and can compress data into fewer virtual coils. A similarly application of GCC has been demonstrated in cardiac imaging using stack of stars trajectory8. For standard reconstruction methods, including gridding and SENSE-type of parallel imaging9, the required computation is proportional to the number of coil elements, therefore the reconstruction time can be reduced by ncnvc using coil compression, where nc is the original number of coils and nvc is the number of virtual coils.

(2) Soft gating

Soft gating has been proposed recently for effective motion compensation, in which a motion-weighted data consistency is applied6. Soft gating can be easily combined with parallel imaging6 and compressed sensing10 without lengthening the reconstruction time. In this work, self-navigators were first obtained from the DC signal of the stack of stars datasets for each coil element. Coil clustering11 was then applied to find the dominant motion, and the soft gating weights were generated accordingly.

To validate the proposed methods, an axial free-breathing volunteer dataset was acquired with IRB approval on a GE MR750 scanner using a 20-channel body coil (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, USA) and the following imaging parameters: TE/TR = 1.7/3.6 ms, FOV = 42 cm, slice thickness 4 mm, 54 slices, and 256 spokes per slice. First, both SCC and GCC with 8 virtual coils and gridding reconstruction were evaluated and compared. Different reconstruction methods were then compared, including gridding, parallel imaging (without and with GCC), and soft-gated parallel imaging (without and with GCC). A conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm9 was used in both parallel imaging and soft-gated parallel imaging. The number of CG iterations was kept constant for all methods. All reconstructions were performed in Matlab (Mathworks, MA, USA) on a 2015 MacBook Pro (Apple, Cupertino, USA).


(1) Coil compression

Coil compression results are shown in Fig. 1. GCC has effectively compressed the original data into 8 virtual coils without noticeable compression loss. Compared to SCC, better performance was observed using GCC.

(2) Soft gating

Reconstructed images by all methods are shown in Fig. 2, and reformatted into the coronal plane in Fig. 3. Recorded reconstruction times are shown in Tab. 1. GCC significantly reduced the reconstruction time for parallel imaging and soft-gated parallel imaging. As shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, soft gating improved motion robustness without increasing the reconstruction time.


In this work, we have demonstrated a fast and motion robust method to reconstruct stack of stars datasets for free-breathing abdominal MRI.


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5. Zhang T, Pauly JM, Vasanawala SS, Lustig M. Coil compression for accelerated imaging with Cartesian sampling. Magn Reson Med 2013;69:571-582.

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9. Pruessmann KP, Weiger M, Börnert P, Boesiger P. Advances in sensitivity encoding with arbitrary k-space trajectories. Magn Reson Med 2001;46:638-651.

10. Cheng JY, Zhang T, Ruangwattanapaisarn N, Alley MT, Uecker M, Pauly JM, Lustig M, Vasanawala SS. Free-breathing pediatric MRI with nonrigid motion correction and acceleration. J Magn Reson Imaging 2015;42:407-420.

11. Zhang T, Cheng JY, Chen Y, Nishimura DG, Pauly JM, Vasanawala SS. Robust self-navigated body MRI using dense coil arrays. Magn Reson Med 2016;76:197-205.


Fig. 1 The original 20-channel dataset can be compressed into 8 virtual coils by GCC without noticeable compression loss. SCC with the same number of virtual coils had more compression loss compared to GCC (yellow arrows).

Fig. 2 Reconstructed images using gridding, parallel imaging and soft-gated parallel imaging (top: without coil compression; bottom: with coil compression). Improved image quality and motion robustness were observed using soft-gated parallel imaging. (Note: surface coil intensity correction (SCIC) was applied to all images individually. The window level/width of the gridding reconstruction was manually adjusted so that the liver in all images has a similar window level.)

Fig. 3 Coronal reformats of all reconstructions (top row: without coil compression; bottom row: with coil compression). Improved image quality and motion robustness were observed using soft-gated parallel imaging, evidenced by the sharper liver dome.

Tab.1 Reconstruction times for parallel imaging and soft-gated parallel imaging without and with coil compression.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)