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High-Resolution 4D Real-Time Phase-Contrast Flow MRI with Sparse Sampling
Aiqi Sun1, Bo Zhao2, Rui Li1, and Chun Yuan1,3

1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, People's Republic of China, 2Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard Medical School, Chalestown, MA, United States, 3Vascular Imaging Laboratory, Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States


This work presents a model-based imaging method, which integrates low-rank modeling, sparse modeling with parallel imaging, to enable 4D real-time phase-contrast flow MRI without ECG gating and respiration control. The proposed method achieves real-time imaging at a spatial resolution of 2.4 mm, temporal resolution of 35 ms, with three directional flow encodings, and well resolves beat-by-beat flow variations, which cannot be achieved by the conventional cine-based method. The proposed has been evaluated by in vivo data with multiple healthy subjects and one arrhythmic patient. For the first time, we demonstrate the feasibility of real-time 4D PC flow MRI.


Conventional phase-contrast (PC) flow MRI relies on electro-cardiogram (ECG)-synchronized cine acquisitions and respiration control to assess blood flow dynamics [1, 2]. This often has relatively low acquisition efficiency and is not able to assess blood flow variabilities (e.g., in patients with cardiac arrhythmias). Real-time imaging without ECG gating and respiration control is a promising technique to overcome these limitations [3, 4], however, it results in a significantly more challenging reconstruction problem associated with highly-undersampled data. While a number of methods have been developed to enable real-time PC-MRI only in two spatial dimension (2D) with one velocity encoding [5-7], real-time 4D flow MRI has not been reported yet. In this abstract, we present a novel model-based imaging method, which integrates low-rank modeling, sparse modeling with parallel imaging, to achieve, for the first time, high-resolution 4D real-time phase-contrast flow MRI. The performance and utility of the proposed method has been evaluated by in vivo experiments with multiple healthy subjects and one arrhythmic patient.

Theory & Methods

Due to strong correlation of flow imaging data along spatial, temporal, and flow encoding directions, the joint Casorati matrix C=[C1CNv] is often approximately low-rank [8]. Here, we enforce an explicit rank constraint via matrix factorization [9,10], i.e., C=UV, where UCN×L and VCL×M. Note that the columns of U and rows of V respectively span the spatial subspace and temporal subspace of C. Furthermore, we pre-determine the temporal subspace V from the temporal training data. Besides, the joint Casorati matrix often admits sparse representation in the spatial-spectral domain [11,12]. With the above low-rank and sparsity constraints, the image reconstruction problem can be formulated as ˆU=argmin where {{\bf{d}}_i} denotes the measured (k, t)-space data, \Omega is the sparse sampling operator, {{\bf{F}}_s} and {{\bf{F}}_t} respectively the spatial and temporal Fourier transform matrix, and {{\bf{S}}_i} the sensitivity map. After image reconstruction, the velocity maps of all the three directions can then be determined. Here, we include a diagram in Fig. 1 to illustrate the procedure of the proposed method.

We performed 4D real-time flow imaging experiments using the proposed method, in which five healthy volunteers and an arrhythmic patient were recruited. For comparison, we also acquired 4D cine flow imaging data with 2x SENSE [13]. All the scans were performed on a 3.0 T Philips scanner with a 32-channel cardiovascular coil. Both cine and real-time experiments were conducted on the whole aorta during free breathing with the following parameters: FOV = 180 × 256 × 43 mm3 (FH/AP/RL), spatial resolution = 2.4 × 2.4 × 2.4 mm3, matrix size = 76 × 108 × 18, repetition time/echo time = 4.4/2.6 ms, flip angle = 5°, and encoding velocity = 200/150/150 cm/s (FH/AP/RL), and temporal resolution is 35 ms.


Fig. 2 show the reconstructed velocity maps from 4D cine flow imaging and the proposed real-time imaging method for a healthy subject. As can be seen, the proposed method provides comparable quality to the cine flow imaging method. Fig. 3 (a) and (b) respectively show the reconstructed flow profile associated with the ascending aorta and descending aorta for this subject. As can be seen, the proposed method is able to resolve flow variations. We further averaged flow profiles from the proposed 4D real-time imaging method over 10 cardiac cycles, and compared it with the one from the cine acquisition. As is shown in Fig. 3 (d) and (e), the flow profiles from the proposed method well correlates with the one obtained from the cine flow imaging method, which is highly desirable. Moreover, the Bland-Altman analysis of the peak velocities and stroke volumes are shown in Fig. 4 for all subjects, which further confirms the excellent agreement between the two methods. With respect to the experiment on the patient, the reconstructed flow profile and pathline visualization are shown in Fig. 5. Clearly, the proposed method well resolves the beat-by-beat pathological variations.


This work presents a model-based imaging method to achieve, for the first time, high-resolution 4D real-time PC-MRI. The proposed method is capable to resolve the beat-by-beat physiological and/or pathological flow variations, which could not be achieved by conventional cine-based 4D flow MRI.


The first and second authors contributed equally to this work. The authors thank Prof. Zhi-Pei Liang at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for useful discussions. This work was partially supported by Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission (No. Z131100005213001 and No. D111107003111007), and National Institute of Health (NIH-RO1-EB013695).


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Fig. 1 The reconstruction pipeline for the proposed 4D real-time imaging method. Here, the major components include data acquisition, image reconstruction, and post processing.

Fig. 2 Velocity maps from the conventional 4D cine flow and the proposed 4D real-time flow for a healthy subject. As can be seen, the velocity maps reconstructed from the proposed method have similar quality to those from the cine flow acquisition.

Fig. 3 Reconstructed flow profiles from the proposed 4D real-time flow for a healthy subject. The flow profiles associated with ascending aorta (AAo) and descending aorta (DAo) marked in (a) are respectively presented in (b) and (c). As shown in (d) and (e), the averaged flow over 10 cardiac cycles from the proposed method correlate well with the conventional approach for both AAo and DAo.

Fig. 4 Bland-Altman analysis of peak velocities (a) and stroke volumes (b), which compares the proposed 4D real-time flow imaging with the conventional cine method for five healthy subjects (3 males, mean age: 21-year old). The peak velocities and stroke volumes from the proposed method are the averaged ones over 10 consecutive cardiac cycles.

Fig. 5 4D Real-time PC-MRI for an arrhythmic patient. (a): The flow profiles of AAo and DAo. (c): The 3D pathline for the four representative time frames respectively from a normal period (A and B) and an arrhythmic period (C and D). As can be seen, the proposed method nicely captures a dramatic change of flow occurring during an arrhythmia period. Note that this type of flow dynamics cannot be obtained from the conventional cine method.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)