Sebastian Schmitter1,2, Gregor Adriany1, Steen Moeller1, Edward Auerbach1, Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele1, Michael Markl3,4, Kamil Ugurbil1, and Susanne Schnell3
1University of Minnesota Medical School, Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig and Berlin, Germany, 3Department of Radiology, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, United States, 4Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, McCormick School of Engineering, Chicago, IL, United States
Simultaneous Multislice (SMS) imaging, also termed
"Multiband" (MB), was integrated into slab-selective 4D flow MRI to quantify
blood hemodynamics simultaneously in both carotid bifurcations at 7T. Therefore,
sagittal oriented MB 4D flow acquisitions with 0.8mm isotropic resolution were
performed in 4 volunteers using a dedicated carotid coil. The same protocol was
then repeated twice, but only a single slab ("SingleBand" - SB)
targeting the left or right carotid bifurcation was excited. Peak velocity and
net flow quantification was performed for reconstructed MB and SB data on 3
planes each, one before and two after the bifurcation.
The aim of this work is to
demonstrate the feasibility of quantifying carotid hemodynamics at 7T using 4D
flow MRI and to investigate the
feasibility of accelerating the acquisition using the concept of simultaneous MultiSlice
(SMS) imaging (1,2), also termed "MultiBand (MB)". With MB imaging two sagittal slabs covering right and left
carotid arteries were excited simultaneously. A dedicated 8-channel TX/RX coil in combination with
B1+ shimming was used. The impact of this technique on velocity and flow
quantification was studied in 4 healthy volunteers. Methods
All scans were performed at
7 Tesla (Siemens, Germany) equipped with an RF shimming system (CPC, USA). A
custom-build 8-channel carotid coil was used, which consists of two elements each
containing a 2x2 TX/RX loop array (Fig.1a). 4 healthy subjects (3f, age: 36.6y±18.7y)
were scanned after written consent according to an approved IRB protocol. Axial
time-of-flight scans were performed for localization. B1+ maps were obtained
using a gradient-echo (GRE) based fast B1+ estimation method (3) on three 8 mm
distant coronal slices covering both carotid bifurcations (Fig.1b) (TR/TE=50ms/3.8ms,
FOV=160x160mm2, matrix=128x128, thickness=4mm, 1:08 min). Six ROIs (both sides,
three slices) were drawn manually to cover both bifurcations. MB pulses were
calculated to simultaneously excite two 19.2mm thick sagittal slabs covering
both carotids (Fig.1b) using a band-joint B1+ shim MB pulse design (4), that
first summed the two SINC pulses (1ms duration, BWTP=4) before applying a B1+
shim solution. The latter was calculated to maximize the transmit efficiency
(5) within the ROIs. CAIPIRINHA (6) was applied to shift the
right slab by FOV/2. A 4D flow protocol with the following parameters was
acquired: TR/TE=6.8ms/3.9ms, temporal resolution=81.6ms, 3 segments, resolution=0.8mm
(isotropic), 9-10 cardiac phases, VENC=100cm/s, FOV=160x100x19.2mm3,
RO-direction=HF, no acceleration). This protocol was acquired three times: using
MB pulses exciting both slabs and using SB pulses exciting only left or right
bifurcation. Data was unwrapped using a slice-GRAPPA reconstruction (7), whose
kernels were obtained from two 15 seconds non-flow-encoded 3D GRE acquisitions. Signal
Leakage was quantified as in (8).
Data postprocessing
included noise masking and calculation of the phase-contrast angiogram used for
masking velocities within vessel boundaries (9,10). Peak velocity (vmax), time-resolved
flow curves (Q(t)) and mean flow (ˉQ) were quantified in commercial software (Ensight, USA) using
3 measurement planes located in the common carotid artery (CCA), internal
carotid artery (ICA) and external carotid artery (ECA). In addition, MB data
was retrospectively 2-fold undersampled in PE direction (iPAT2) for subject
1, resulting in a total acceleration of R=4 (neglecting autocalibration lines).
Reconstruction was done by a sequential GRAPPA/slice-GRAPPA algorithm.
Bland-Altman diagrams of vmax and Q were plotted for MB versus SB data and
differences in vmax and (ˉQ) were tested using a paired t-test. Results
Fig.2 shows original and reconstructed MB data (magnitude
and phase differences). Leakage of the signal from one slab to the other was
barely visible and its 99th percentile did not exceed twice the background noise level.
Quantification of Q(t) is shown exemplarily for volunteer 4 in Fig.3, revealing
similar flow curves for MB as for SB data. Differences in and vmax are displayed for all volunteers at
all measurement locations in Fig.4 revealing no differences (p>0.05) in peak
velocity. Average ˉQ showed 11% difference between the methods, which was
statistically significant (p<0.05). Two-fold additional acceleration in PE direction
visibly affected the noise in magnitude and phase, but resulted in comparable
quantitative values as illustrated for volunteer 1 in Fig.5.
Discussion and Conclusion
In this work we apply 4D flow MRI for the first time
in the carotid arteries at 7T using a local TX/RX coil and we demonstrate the possibility
of using MB for efficient acquisition. Combination with inplane-GRAPPA allowed
for an approximately 4-fold acceleration. Since we observed similar vmax, but a
significant difference in Q, we hypothesize that the difference is attributed
to the velocity masking, which was done individually based on the calculated
PC-MRA. This can be analyzed and addressed by segmenting the carotid artery based
on the SB dataset and applying the same segmentation to a reconstructed artificial MB dataset,
generated by the complex sum of both SB datasets (8). Note, that since MB and SB
acquisitions had identical gradient switching we deliberately did not correct
for eddy currents to limit impacts of differences in phase correction on the
quantification. In conclusion, MB 4D flow is feasible and allows for additional
acceleration of 4D flow for specific targets, which is also applicable at lower
field strength.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by
NIH grant P41 EB015894 and AHA grant 16SDG30420005.References
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