We propose the use of BOLD dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) analyses to provide further insights into the dynamics of epileptic networks, in simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies. We performed brain parcellation using the AAL atlas and estimated dFC across brain regions using sliding-window correlation. We then tested different approaches for the extraction of functional networks related with the EEG epileptic activity. We found that PCA is a suitable tool to disentangle functional connectivity changes of different origins, and that epilepsy-related networks may be accurately identified based on the correlation of their weights time-courses with metrics of EEG epileptic activity in four patients.
Data acquisition and pre-processing: Four patients with focal epilepsy were studied on a 3T MRI system using an MR-compatible 32-channel EEG system. BOLD-fMRI data were obtained using 2D-EPI (TR/TE=2500/50 ms) concurrently with EEG, and subjected to physiological noise reduction and standard pre-processing steps2. EEG data were MR-induced artefact corrected and band-pass filtered (1-45 Hz). A representative time-course of epileptic activity was extracted from the EEG based on the following steps: ICA decomposition, selection of an epilepsy-related IC3, extraction of the root mean square frequency (RMSF) by Morlet Wavelet time-frequency decomposition4, convolution with the canonical haemodynamic response function, and downsampling to the fMRI sampling rate.
dFC estimation: Brain parcellation was performed using the automated anatomical labelling (AAL) atlas5, co-registered with each patient’s data, and the BOLD signal was then averaged within each parcel. dFC was estimated by a sliding-window approach6 (window length=37.5s, step=5s), whereby the pair-wise Pearson correlation coefficient is computed across all parcel-averaged BOLD signals for each sliding window. The final dFC matrix was obtained by extracting the upper triangular part of the correlation matrices and vectorising it.
Identification of epileptic networks: Two approaches were followed. First, the Pearson correlation coefficient between the EEG-RMSF and each dFC time-course was computed, yielding a single correlation matrix; the epileptic network only comprised parcels exhibiting significant correlations (p<0.05)1. Second, the dFC matrix was subjected to PCA (after row-wise demeaning), so as to separate the most prominent connectivity fluctuations within the dFC matrix7. The number of PCs was determined by statistically testing the associated eigenvalues against a null distribution derived from phase randomized dFC matrices. Each PC consists of a network of brain parcels, which contributes to the overall dFC with an associated weight at each time point. Epileptic networks were identified as the PCs exhibiting weight time-courses that were significantly correlated with the EEG-RMSF. For comparison purposes, an univariate fMRI analysis was also performed, by fitting a general linear model (GLM) to the BOLD data using the EEG-RMSF as regressor, and cluster thresholding the resulting maps using voxel Z>2.3 and cluster p<0.05.
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