We know that colors modify odor’s perception. It demonstrates that colors arrangement (chromatic cards) could evoke the appropriate odor, but we have not neural evidence of these chromatic cards olfactory suggestion capacity. Our goal is to compare the olfactory suggestion capacity of picture with that of chromatic arrangements using functional MRI paradigm. We show that chromatic card visualization could suggest an odor more efficiently than picture visualization. Our results support the involvement of multiple cognitive processes (olfactory, emotional, visuospatial, language, memory, taste) which interact to produce olfactory suggestion from colors visualization. Therefore, chromatic card application could be varied (health, marketing…).
Thirty healthy women volunteers participated in this study approved by our institutional review board. There were instructed to focus on the odor suggested by visual stimuli. Two fMRI paradigms consist of 7 cycles of one rest period (25s) followed by a visual stimuli period (35s) which were composed of (i) 7 chromatic cards –1st session– and (ii) 7 pictures –2nd session. The order of each presentation (cucumber, orange blossom, cut grass, lavender, peppermint, rose and violet) was randomized. These were illustrated in figure 1.
MRI images
were acquired on a 3T scanner (Signa HDxt, GE) with an 8-channel head coil and
were analyzed using SPM8 software. Whole-brain analyses were evaluated using
one and paired t-tests. Orbitofrontal
cortex mask were generated from the “neuromorphometrics” template to estimate
beta values in each mask from one-t-tests for each session.
During chromatic card presentations, regions were activated bilaterally in the cerebellum, inferior occipital gyrus, fusiform gyrus, inferior parietal gyrus, superior and middle frontal gyrus, hippocampus, anterior insula cortex, precentral gyrus and in the right middle occipital gyrus, left superior parietal gyrus, left medial frontal gyrus, left orbitofrontal gyrus and left cingulate gyrus (fig.2a). During picture presentations, activations involved bilateral regions in the cerebellum, inferior occipital gyrus, fusiform gyrus, medial frontal gyrus and in left lingual gyrus, left middle and inferior frontal gyrus and left anterior cingulate gyrus. During chromatic card vs picture presentations (fig.2b), a stronger activation was mainly observed in the bilateral superior parietal lobule, bilateral medial and inferior frontal gyrus, right precentral gyrus, right inferior temporal gyrus and right lingual gyrus. Compared to chromatic card presentations, picture presentations brought into play a greater activation in the bilateral lingual gyrus.
Analyses within the orbitofrontal cortices confirmed and extended findings described previously (fig.3). During chromatic card presentations compared to picture presentations, mean beta values were significantly higher in the left lateral, left posterior and bilateral part of inferior frontal gyrus. Furthermore, mean beta values were significantly higher in the left-brain side compared to right-brain side in all regions except for the anterior orbitofrontal cortex during chromatic card presentations.
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Figure 1: Schematic description of passive olfactory fMRI paradigm.
Passive olfactory fMRI paradigm was divided in two sessions comprising seven cycles of 60 seconds. Each cycle consisted of a control period (25 seconds) followed by a visual stimuli period (35 seconds). In the first session, a visual stimulus was composed of a randomized successive presentation of seven chromatic cards which represent cucumber, orange blossom, cut grass, lavender, peppermint, rose and violet. In the second session, seven pictures suggestive of these same odors were presented.
Figure 2: Brain areas activated by chromatic card or picture presentation.
Regions have been displayed on transverse slice (MNI space ch256 template, MRIcroGL software) for (a) chromatic card and picture presentation and (b) differences between chromatic card and pictures presentation. Statistical threshold was used for a p-value p<0.001 and a minimum cluster size of 50 voxels, uncorrected. Color bar indicates the T score of activation.
Figure 3: Mean activation within the five regions of orbitofrontal cortex.
Figure depicts mean activation (beta value, arbitrary unity – a.u.) and standard errors for five regions of orbitofrontal cortex which were created from the “neuromorphometrics” template (MNI space). All these regions are displayed on transverse slice (MNI space ch256 template, MRIcroGL software) for the left-brain side (green) and the right-brain side (red). Comparisons are analyzed with pairwise Wilcoxon’s test. Significance levels are marked with an asterisk (p<0.05).