The feasibility of calculating glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using hyperpolarized 13C MRI is demonstrated in this project. HP001 is exhibited as a potential probe for GFR calculation due to its long T1, allowing for high spatiotemporal resolution, and favorable filtration properties. Multiple iterations of common clinical sequences, including EPI and bSSFP, were utilized, and each sequence yielded GFR values close to those found in literature. The results shown here indicate potential for a new noninvasive imaging measurement of GFR.
To calculate the kidney perfusion, F (mL/mL/s), the HP001 data was modeled with a simplified single-compartment model8 represented by the following differential equation:
where Ctissue is the HP001 concentration in kidney (MR signal/mL), Cplasma is the arterial input function (AIF) (MR signal/mL), and R1 is equal to 1/T1,HP001. The solution to the differential equation,
which includes a blood volume vb term (mL/mL), was used to fit HP001 dynamic curves via nonlinear least squares in Matlab. Fmean was calculated as the mean perfusion in the renal cortex and converted to GFR in mL/min/100g body weight by multiplying by 60s/min and the renal cortex volume in mL, and dividing by rat body weight.9,10
Prospective acquisitions utilized either a slice-selective 2D balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) or symmetric, ramp-sampled echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence11, or a 3D bSSFP sequence. The 2D acquisitions had the following parameters: 6.4x6.4 cm2, 32x32 matrix size, 35mm axial slice covering both kidneys, progressive flip angle scheme,12 1-3s temporal resolution, 20-60 timepoints. In one animal, a variable temporal resolution scheme (0-4-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-24-30-36-…-60s) was utilized to better define the AIF. The 3D bSSFP had the following parameters: 12x6x2 cm3, 48x24x8 matrix size, 4-fold undersampling, progressive flip angle scheme,13 6s temporal resolution, 10 timepoints. A maximum intensity projection image was used to calculate the mean perfusion from the 3D bSSFP data. 1H 3D axial time-of-flight MR angiography images were also acquired to help define the AIF vessel size. The experiments were conducted on a 3T MR scanner and DNP experiments used a HyperSense polarizer. The scans started at the beginning of injection and 3mL of 100mM HP001 was injected over 12s via tail vein catheters in four different Sprague-Dawley rats (average body weight: 515g). The rats were kept under 1.5-1.75% isoflurane and 1mL/min of O2 for the duration of the experiments.
Table 1 summarizes the calculated GFR from both retrospective13 (four previously acquired HP001 datasets) and prospective acquisitions, which are similar to those found in literature (range of about 0.35-1.2+ mL/min/100g body weight for rats, depending on methodology).10,14–16 Figures 1-4 depict the kidney perfusion, representative dynamic signal curves and associated fits, and perfusion overlays on 1H images for a retrospective dataset, 2D bSSFP (1s temporal resolution), 2D EPI (variable temporal resolution), and 3D bSSFP acquisitions, respectively.
The methods presented here showed a wide range of calculated GFRs (0.198-0.392 mL/min/100g), which can be attributed to various factors that need to be further investigated: definition of AIF, spatiotemporal resolution, amount of temporal samples, SNR of the acquisition, use of single-compartment modeling, and any differences in renal function among the studied rats. Thus, future studies will also compare the calculated GFR from HP 13C MRI to a non-MR accepted standard, such as creatinine or inulin clearance. Furthermore, our study used isoflurane for anesthesia, which has been shown to reduce GFR by ~10%, 17 meaning the results presented here might slightly underestimate the true GFR. Future studies will investigate possible non-inhalant anesthesia, such as ketamine, for GFR calculation in rats.
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