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Focus Correction in MR thermography for Precise Targeting in Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy for Essential Tremor
Chang-Sheng Mei1, Bruno Madore2, Shenyan Zong3, Pei-Hsin Wu2, Garth Rees Cosgrove2, and Nathan J. McDannold2

1Physics, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 3Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China


MRI-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy has proved an effective method for the treatment of Essential Tremor. Precise alignment of the focus to the target in the thalamus is crucial. Proper targeting is complicated by artifactual shifts in hot spot location, with respect to anatomical images. We identified two sources of errors and proposed solutions to both; the correction scheme does not require any modification to the pulse sequence or imaging protocol. Shifts by 1.0±0.1 mm were detected and corrected, for three separate sonications in one given patient. The size of the shifts agreed with observations from the literature.


Focused Ultrasound (FUS) Surgery has proved an effective treatment for Essential Tremor (ET)1. A thalamic target is ablated using FUS energy, under magnetic resonance (MR) guidance. Accurate focusing of the FUS beam is crucial to the success of the procedure, a difficult task given the small size of the targeted structure. To achieve accurate targeting, a series of low acoustic power sonications were delivered to progressively adjust the location of the focus. Image artifacts may cause the focus to appear spatially displaced with respect to underlying anatomical images, thus confusing the alignment process. In practice, because errors predominantly occur in the frequency-encoding direction, this problem can to some degree be circumvented by acquiring pairs of images with different orientations for frequency encoding. Even though Fig. 1 shows a sizeable offset between the focus (red spot) and the target (green rectangle), this offset was in fact artefactual, and the two were maybe properly aligned. Our goal is to describe and correct for these offsets, hopefully making the targeting process more straightforward and intuitive.


There are two main causes for the mentioned offsets, and methods are proposed here to compensate for both. One cause is the well-known ‘chemical shift’ artifact, whereby heated tissues have a different Larmor frequency and as a result will appear displaced in frequency direction. A second, less-recognized effect comes from spatial variations in Larmor frequency and the k-space shifts that result, causing temperature-measurement errors3. Given B0, a measured field map, spatial warping is required to correct for ‘chemical shift’ artifacts associated with B0. In a second step, pixel-by-pixel temperature corrections were applied to account for B0x, which can affect the centroid location of the hot spot. With no field maps acquired in current protocol, phase-difference maps, or temporal changes of field maps, were used for Larmor frequency measurements. The TE errors were calculated:


where Nf is the matrix size in the frequency-encoding direction, ϕ(r) is the phase-difference map subtracted from baseline, (ϕ(r)) is the spatial gradient, and BW is the total receiver bandwidth. The corrected temperature map, T(r), was obtained from the corrected echo time:



An ET patient was treated following informed consent, using an hemispheric, 650-kHz, 1024-element, phased-array transducer (ExAblate Neuro, InSightec, Israel), and a 3T GE MRI system for guidance (FOV=28×28cm2, TE/TR=12.9/27.8ms, matrix size =128×256 zero-filled to 256×256, BW = ±5.68kHz, 10 time frames). Details of the procedure were as described in Lipman et al2. Results from three separate sonications, with mean peak voxel temperature elevation of 22.9±3.5°C, were corrected here for spatial shifts.


Results for chemical shift and k-space shift correction are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. In Fig. 2a, the Δx map shows the spatial shift for pixels in the T map, due to a ‘chemical shift’ effect. In Fig. 2b, the TE error map can be used to correct temperature values: Note the different polarity on either side of the profile, causing overestimation on one side and underestimation on the other. The temperature elevation map T around the hot spot is shown in Fig. 3 without correction (Fig. 3a), using only the Δx correction from Fig. 2a (Fig. 3b, centroid shifts by 0.56 mm), or using both corrections from Fig. 2 (Fig. 3c, 0.56 + 0.39 mm = 0.95 mm shift). The resulting spatial shifts can also be visualized in Fig. 3d. In Fig. 4a, T maps were overlaid onto the corresponding anatomical image, using red and green overlays for results without and with correction, respectively. As seen in Fig. 4b, spatial shifts did not appreciably affect temporal dynamics. In all three sonications analyzed here, the overall focus shift was 1.0 ± 0.1 mm, close to what was observed in clinical setting2 and in Fig. 1. Changing the ordering of the two corrections had negligible effect (< 1% here).


The well-known ‘chemical shift’ effect is not sufficient to account for hot spot shifts observed in ET treatments, and effects from field gradients3 should also be taken into account. Shifts by about 1 mm were observed, large enough to be of practical importance in thalamotomy given the small size of the target. A correction method was proposed that does not require any change to the pulse sequence or imaging protocol.


A practical method was proposed to correct for spatial shifts in the location of hot spots observed during FUS thalamotomy, as performed for the clinical treatment of Essential Tremor symptoms.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Elias WJ, et al. A Randomized Trial of Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy for Essential Tremor. NEJM 2016;375(8):730-9.

[2] Lipman N, et al. MR-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy for essential tremor: a proof-of-concept study. Lancet Neurol. 2013;12(5):462-8.

[3] Mei CS, et al. Accurate field mapping in the presence of B0 inhomogeneities, applied to MR thermometry. MRM 2015;73(6):2142-51.


Fig. 1: A snapshot taken from FUS control GUI (InSightec) showing the heating (red spot) is more than 1 mm away from the target (green rectangle) in horizontal frequency encoding direction.

Fig. 2: Maps of spatial shifts in frequency direction (Δx) and TE error (ΔTE). Δx results from temperature-induced ‘chemical shift’ corrections, while ΔTE results from k-space shifts. Note the two lobes of opposite polarity in the ΔTE map, which caused temperature overestimation on one side of the profile and underestimation on the other side, combining into a net spatial shift in hot spot position.

Fig. 3: Spatial shifts in the frequency encoding direction are shown and corrected. a) Original T map, b) T map after chemical shift correction, and c) T map after both chemical shift and k-space shift correction. d) The temperature profile through hottest pixel is plotted, and a shift in the frequency-encoding direction can be observed between the uncorrected (blue) and fully corrected (red) curves, a shift of the centroid (15.9°C) by 0.95 mm here.

Fig. 4: (a) T maps of focus before and after corrections are overlaid onto the corresponding anatomical image, where inset accents the shift from the uncorrected spot (red) to the fully corrected spot (green). (b) The temporal changes of temperature for focus before and after correction.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)