O2 metabolism is a crucial biomarker of brain physiology. We aim at measuring the repeatability of estimates of O2 metabolism obtained with a dual calibrated fMRI experiment and a newly proposed parameter estimation approach based on a forward model. The analysis is carried out on two datasets from volunteers scanned at rest. The performances are shown to depend on the physiological parameter considered, resolution (bulk or voxel-wise level) and decreasing from within- to between-sessions repeatability. Overall the repeatability is demonstrated to be comparable with PET and a previous calibrated fMRI method, but supplying a more complete mapping of brain O2 metabolism.
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Figure 1: Top: diagram showing the experimental design for the within-session and between- sessions datasets.
Bottom: list of indices calculated for each estimated physiological parameter, both at grey matter (GM) and voxel-wise resolution. All indices were calculated for each repeatability instance considered: within session, between sessions - same day and between sessions - different day.
Figure 3: ICC and CV indices calculated at a bulk grey matter level for all estimated parameters. A,B: within session; C,D: between sessions, same day; E,F: between sessions, different day. ICCglobal is the ICC(A,k) calculated between subjects at a GM level and ICCspatial is the ICC(A,1) calculated within subjects across voxels; CVintra is the within-subject CV and CVinter is the between subject CV.
Note that ICCspatial (circles) and CVintra (dots) are calculated for each subject separately, while ICCglobal (stars) and CVinter (crosses) are calculated across subjects (see notation in Figure 1).
Figure 4: Voxel-wise CV indices calculated from the within-session dataset. Axial view of the calculated maps for each physiological parameter and relative histograms showing the distributions of the calculated values (in red the median and in black the interquartile range limits).
<CVintra> is the mean across subjects of the within-subject CV and CVinter is the between subject CV (see notation in Figure 1).