Viktor Pfaffenrot1,2, Sascha Brunheim1,2, Stefan H.G. Rietsch1,2, Thomas M. Ernst1,3, Oliver Kraff1, Stephan Orzada1, and Harald H. Quick1,2
1Erwin L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 2High Field and Hybrid MR Imaging, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany, 3Department of Neurology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany
MRI of the human cerebellum is challenging at ultrahigh fields, since conventional
RF head coils hardly cover the cerebellum with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio
and B1+-inhomogeneities introduce challenges. In order to
overcome these problems, a coil combination consisting of an 8ch transceiver
head coil and a 7ch receive only array are combined to improve imaging of the
whole brain with special focus on the cerebellum. A ‘semi-dynamic’ B1+-shimming
technique is introduced which provides a tSNR-gain of 29 % and voxels
with higher significance in a finger tapping fMRI experiment when comparing the coil
combination to a 32ch receive head coil.
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 7 T benefits from higher signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) as well as increased functional contrast based on blood oxygenation
level. To fully exploit these advantages, radiofrequency (RF) coils need to
provide sufficient signal at the region of interest (ROI). Furthermore, B1+-inhomogeneities
need to be addressed to ensure a homogeneous excitation. In this work, the main
ROI is the human cerebellum. Its high anatomical diversity and location pose
challenges for fMRI1. In order to overcome these, we combine an 8ch
transceiver (Tx/Rx) head coil2 with a 7ch receive only array3 including
modified detuning to provide high local SNR at the cerebellum. ‘Semi-dynamic’ B1+-shimming
was employed in combination with Variable Slice-Thickness (VAST) EPI4,
to perform fMRI focusing on the human cerebellum, while maintaining whole brain
coverage. The RF-shimming method’s performance was evaluated in the coil combination
setup and compared with a conventional 1chTx/32chRx coil (Nova Medical Inc.,
Wilmington, USA) in terms of B1+-homogeneity and temporal
signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR) during a basic finger tapping fMRI experiment.Methods:
The coil combination setup as depicted in fig. 1A & C consists of
the 8ch Tx/Rx coil in which the 7ch receive array is placed occipital. A
detuning network (fig. 1B yellow box) consisting of seven circuits with PIN
diodes was implemented to improve detuning. The coil was additionally equipped
with floating cable traps (fig. 1B red arrow) to decrease coupling between the
receive array and the transceiver coil. In an in vivo acquisition (healthy male
volunteer: 35 y, 75 kg, 175 cm) with the coil combination, flip angle (FA) maps
for four slices with a thickness of 24 mm (fig. 2A) were obtained using B1TIAMO5.
Based on this information, three different RF-shims were calculated (fig. 2A). The
VAST-EPI sequence was modified by introducing an additional trigger which
control the switching between the individual shim settings via a custom
modulator system6. In fig. 3A, the red and blue slice groups
represent an acquisition with 1.5 mm slice thickness, where the red block is
shimmed with one setting (fig. 2B) and the blue block with another (fig. 2C). The
yellow slice block is acquired with 3 mm slice thickness and shimmed with the
third setting (fig. 2D). The same participant was scanned with the Nova coil,
whereas dielectric bags where used to passively shim the B1+-field
for the cerebellum. With these shimming procedures, finger tapping experiments
with a random tapping pattern of the right hand (TE/TR = 22/2800 ms, TA = 9:41 min,
28 s tapping vs. 28 s rest in ten blocks resulting in 202 volumes) were conducted.
Functional t-maps in the cerebellum and neocortex where obtained using SPM12
and the SUIT7 toolbox for cerebellum only. As a measure of quality, tSNR-maps
in the cerebellum were calculated using the first hundred realigned functional
scans. Therefore, the voxel-wise mean and standard deviation along the time
course where calculated and divided by each other.Results and Discussion:
In fig. 2B-D, the resulting FA maps after RF-shimming are shown. From
left to right, they correspond to the three slice positions from bottom to top
shown in fig. 2A, whereas fig. 2E-G shows maps of the Nova birdcage mode. This
result indicates a FA increase and improved homogeneity, especially at the
cerebellar position. Since the experiment is driven by a hypothesis of the
location of activation, the shimming ROIs (black ROIs in fig. 2) are chosen a
priori to homogenize B
1+ for this particular area. This
shimming process translates into higher significance when performing fMRI
experiments (fig. 3B-D). However, significant caudal activation is less for the
semi-dynamic shimming case in this particular experiment. One possible reason
could be that the Nova coil fits the shape of the participant’s head better.
The tSNR-maps for the cerebellum as shown in fig. 4 indicate higher tSNR with
the coil combination (B) and a further increase when applying semi-dynamic
shimming (C). Computing the mean tSNR in every slice and through all slices
from caudal (most left) to cranial (most right) reveals a tSNR-gain of 16 %
when applying semi-dynamic shimming in comparison to birdcage-mode of the
coil combination and a gain of 29 % in comparison with the Nova coil.
A coil combination and method has been presented which improves fMRI of the human cerebellum in comparison with a conventional RF head coil, while maintaining whole brain coverage. An overall tSNR-gain in the cerebellum can be seen, although some parts seem to be covered less good with the receive elements. In future work, this experiment will be repeated in more participants applying group analysis.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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