Conventional tractography excludes acute directional changes. We define these acute changes as tortuosity and use it to characterize gray-white matter boundaries, as well as quantify deformation and remodeling in pathologic states. Five healthy volunteers and a brain tumor patient were scanned using the gSlider-SMS technique. Diffusion data was processed to create 3D contiguous ribbons that characterize tortuosity. Twisting angles of the 3D ribbons were compared within and between subjects, and were visually and statistically consistent. This highly informative tractographic method could be applied to evaluate tumor infiltration and adjacent brain compression, or traumatic brain injury.
Five healthy volunteers and a patient with a left frontal oligodendroglioma were imaged using a 3T scanner (Siemens Skyra) fitted with a 300mT/m gradient array3 and a purpose-built 64-channel head RF coil.4 Our institutional review board approved all scans. In all healthy subjects, sagittal diffusion-weighted EPI images were acquired using the gSlider-SMS technique5 with 10 simultaneous sagittal slice acquisition (gSlider x MB factor=5x2) using ZOOPPA6 to suppress signal in the neck and phase-encoding in the head-foot direction. Key parameters were: 750μm isotropic resolution; FOV=134x220mm2; slice thickness 3.8mm; partial Fourier 6/8; TE/TReff=80ms/22s; 2 repetitions of 128 directions at b=1500s/mm2 with interspersed b=0s/mm2 images every 10 volumes; total scan time ~120 min. For the tumor patient, 2mm isotropic diffusion-weighted EPI images, FOV=216x216mm2, 64 slices were acquired using a b-value of 1500s/mm2 with 128 directions. Images were corrected for eddy currents and head motion.7
Ribbons were created by numerically integrating the primary eigenvector field using an adaptive 5th order Runge-Kutta approach, with a width extending along the second eigenvector and a thickness aligned with the third (Figure 1). Given a global reference frame V=[→x,→y,→z], the amount of ribbon twisting with respect to V was determined by the twisting angles [TAR−L,TAA−P,TAI−S]=[cos−1|→x⋅→n|,cos−1|→y⋅→n|,cos−1|→z⋅→n|] where →n is the unit normal vector at each ribbon point. The global reference frame V was defined such that →x, →y, and →z were aligned with the standard Right-Left, Anterior-Posterior, and Inferior-Superior head orientation reference. Characterization of WM tortuosity was performed by quantification of twisting angles (TA) at the genus, body, and splenium regions of the corpus callosum (CC) for the healthy individuals, and also shown using tumor patient data.
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