Simulations of the diffusion signal can shed light on how the MR signal is generated from particular tissue microstructure. In our approach we use microscopy data to generate a realistic ground truth for investigating diffusion properties. We have developed a method to automatically segment large volumes of 3D electron microscopy data into individual axons for diffusion simulations. From these segmentations, we can also derive benchmark tissue microstructure characteristics such as axonal diameter, g-ratio and other compartment properties.
Our pipeline (Figure 1) was tested on a serial blockface scanning electron microscopy1 dataset (2x2 montage with 10% overlap, each with matrix 4000x4000x460, resolution 7.3x7.3x50 nm, FOV ~60x60x23 μm) acquired from the genu of the corpus callosum of a mouse brain in sagittal sections (prepared according to 2) with a Zeiss Merlin Compact Scanning Electron Microscope + Gatan 3View system. The most essential components of the segmentation pipeline are:
[1] Generating compartment probability maps by interactive pixel classification (Ilastik3).
[2] Labeling of all myelinated axons (MA). Connected component labeling is performed slicewise in 2D on an isotropically downsampled version of a myelin mask created by thresholding the myelin probability map at P>0.2 (acceptance criteria: 10px<area<1500 px; euler number≥0; area/areaboundingbox>0.30, area/areaconvexhull>0.50). The 3D MA compartment is then generated by aggregating labels along the slice direction (2D labels with 50% overlapping pixels), where gaps are filled by an anisotropic closing operation covering 6 slices. Morphological image closing and hole-filling are performed to include mitochondria in the MA compartment. This stage labeling is completed by manual editing to correct residual errors in the 3D MA compartment.
[3] Individual myelin sheaths (MM) are generated by watershed of the distance transform of the MA mask. A first pass is performed constrained to a part of the myelin mask extending no more than 0.25 μm from the MA mask (this excludes most mitochondria that are often included in the myelin mask). In order to better capture the boundary between neighbouring axons with different sheath thickness, a second pass is performed where the distance transform is weighted by a sigmoid function representing the per-axon median thickness.
[4] The remaining tissue compartments, mainly unmyelinated axons (UA), are segmented by automated classification (Neuroproof4). First, supervoxels are generated by watershed of the probability map for intracellular space. Next, a random forest classifier is trained on a semi-manually annotated training dataset. Finally, the supervoxels are agglomerated to form the processes of unmyelinated axons and glia (GP), glial bodies (GB) and blood vessels (BV). This stage also requires proofreading to correct split/merge errors.
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