Clémence Ligneul1, Marco Palombo1, Julien Flament2, and Julien Valette1
1Molecular Imaging Research Center (MIRCen), Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 2UMS 27, INSERM, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
At ultra-short time scales,
intracellular metabolites are expected to experience less restriction, so that their
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) as measured by diffusion-weighted MRS
should approach the free intracellular diffusivity in a manner which depends on
small microstructural features. In this work we use a unique gradient insert
capable of reaching 1.5 T/m to measure metabolite ADC in the rat brain up to
665 Hz using oscillating gradients (corresponding to 0.21-ms diffusion time in
the Mitra limit), in order to approach and estimate free intracellular
most metabolites detected by MRS are intracellular, their diffusion properties
are expected to specifically reflect the intracellular environment. At
ultra-short time scales, the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) will be less sensitive
to restriction and approach the free intracellular diffusivity in a manner which
depends on small microstructural features. To perform these kinds of measurements, oscillating
gradients (OG) are considered superior to pulsed-field gradients (PFG) as they are
reducing constraints on maximal gradient strength. However, the latter is still
limiting to reach very short diffusion times or, more rigorously in the context
of OG, very high frequencies. In this work we use a unique gradient insert
capable of reaching 1.5 T/m to measure metabolite ADC up to 665 Hz in the rat
brain, in order to approach free intracellular diffusion.METHODS
A 9-cm inner diameter gradient coil capable of
reaching 1.5 T/m in 250 µs along each axis was specially manufactured (Tesla
Engineering Ltd, Sussex, England) to fit within a horizontal 7 T Agilent
scanner. Trapezoidal cosine waveforms1 were implemented to maximize
diffusion-weighting while ramping gradients at maximal rate, and inserted in an
asymmetric LASER sequence2,3. In order to detect some residual macromolecule
signal to discard datasets potentially corrupted by motion artifact3,
we needed to keep TE “short”, hence gradient waveform duration was limited to
30 ms, resulting in TE=80 ms (considering the two waveforms surrounding the
first refocusing pulse). In vivo experiments were performed on female rats
anesthetized with isoflurane, using N=5 or N=20 periods per waveform
(corresponding to 156 and 665 Hz, as determined by computation of the exact
gradient modulation spectra), at b=0.9 ms/µm². Scan-to-scan frequency and phase
correction were performed, and spectra were analyzed with LCModel.RESULTS
Typical in vivo spectra are shown in Fig.1A, demonstrating the good quality
and absence of spectral distortion even at N=20 where gradients were used at
almost full strength. As assessed by quantifying attenuated MM signal at 0.9
ppm3, we found that two datasets (out of six) were corrupted by
motion artefact at N=5, and no dataset (out of ten) was corrupted at N=20. ADC
values (after removing corrupted datasets at N=5) for NAA, total creatine tCr
and choline compounds tCho are given in Fig.1B. As expected for metabolites experiencing less and less restriction, ADC are
increasing (by ~40%) when going from N=5 and N=20.DISCUSSION
While previous in vivo MRI and MRS studies using OG in
the brain have reported maximal frequencies of ~250 Hz, here we were able to
reach unprecedentedly high frequency (665 Hz) thanks to the very strong
gradients. It is particularly interesting to compare the current data with data
recently obtained using a similar approach (OG LASER sequence with “short” TE
to detect MM and discard motion-corrupted dataset) in the mouse brain3.
As shown in Fig.2, when plotted as
a function of 𝜔-1/2, both datasets are well consistent, i.e. current data at N=5
agree well with former mouse data, and data at N=20 nicely extend the
trend towards higher ADC values. Going
one step further and assuming that we are in the Mitra regime, we can perform a
linear fit of ADC as a function of 𝜔-1/2 to extract the surface-to-volume
ratio S/V and the free intracellular diffusivity D0 in a
“model-free” manner, using the universal formula valid for OG4. We
exclude the point acquired in the mouse brain at the lowest frequency, as it
degrades the linear fit (presumably because the Mitra regime is not reached
yet). The fit yields D0=0.31 µm²/ms and S/V=2.86 µm-1 for
NAA (R²=0.96); D0=0.36 µm²/ms and S/V=2.53 µm-1 for tCr (R²=0.93);
D0=0.31 µm²/ms and S/V=2.39 µm-1 for tCho (R²=0.89). Assuming simple cylindrical geometries, these
S/V ratios respectively correspond to radii of 0.70, 0.79 and 0.84 µm, which are realistic for typical neuronal and
glial fibers. Estimated D0 are in good agreement with values
extracted from modeling of high-b data in a cylindrical model5, but
lower than our previous estimates based on modeling of OG data in a cylindrical
model at lower frequencies (<250 Hz)2,3. As the current estimates
do not rely on a geometrical model and take advantage of data acquired at unprecedentedly high frequencies, we tend to trust them more. By
comparison with metabolite diffusion measured in water at 37°C, they correspond
to an intracellular viscosity ~2.7-fold larger than pure water.CONCLUSION
Using a unique gradient and OG MRS, we could
measure metabolite ADC at 665 Hz (corresponding to 0.21-ms diffusion time in
the Mitra limit4,6), thus providing updated and presumably more reliable estimates of free intracellular
diffusivity and viscosity.Acknowledgements
This work was funded by the European Research Council (grant #336331).References
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