Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic relapsing inflammatory bowel disease leading to structurally irreversible bowel damage. The incidence of CD had been increasing in the past century epidemiologically . Accurate evaluation of CD activity is crucial for new therapeutic goals of mucosal healing, preventing bowel damage, limiting disability, and improving quality of life . Although colonoscopy remains the gold standard for assessing CD activity, it is invasive, limited to assessment of the small bowel, and not suitable for continuing monitoring of CD activity . Thus, seeking for alternative noninvasive and accurate approaches to assess CD activity is necessary.
Crohn's disease (CD), a chronic relapsing inflammatory bowel disease, often results in structurally irreversible bowel damage. Accurate evaluation of CD activity is crucial for new therapeutic goals of mucosal healing, preventing bowel damage, limiting disability, and improving quality of life.Magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) is a technique that involves the use of MR imaging (MRI) to assess especially the small bowel.MR T2* mapping has the potential for reflecting tiny change on biochemical components of the counterpart without contrast medium injection. It remains unclear whether T2* mapping could differentiate grades of inflammation activity in Crohn’s disease (CD). In this study, we aim to assess the efficacy of T2* mapping for evaluating CD activity compared to conventional magnetic resonance enterography (MRE).
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