A size-adaptable receive array that can accommodate a variety of heads in a pediatric population (27-week-premature to 1.5-month-old) is proposed. Thirteen spherically distributed loops can move in radial and axial directions to maximize their proximity to the subject. Decoupling between elements is ensured by strong preamplifier decoupling (-27 to -33 dB). Tests on a scanner with two phantoms (8 and 10 cm in diameter) resulted in higher SNR with the proposed coil compared to 8-Ch and 32-Ch commercial head coils. The method restricts head motion and could be of interest for other size-varying body parts, such as breast and limbs.
The array was designed to cover newborn head dimensions from 2-week-premature to 1.5-month-old, considering the 50th percentile head circumference. The shape of the structure can adapt to nearly spherical loads from 8 to 12.5 cm, allowing space for padding. 13 elements made of 16 AWG copper wire loops, directly connected to low input impedance preamps (MPB-127R73-90, Hi-Q.A. Inc., ON, Canada) were distributed around the brain region (Fig.1).
Element shapes were determined with the aid of an electromagnetic simulation software (FEKO, Altair, MI, US) to completely cover the region of interest along the whole size range. Impedance, preamp decoupling, isolation between channels, B1- field and SNR, were evaluated for five different load dimensions. Geometrical decoupling was established approximately in the middle of the size range while a coupling coefficient of +/- 0.16 was selected for the ends. Low stiffness plastic bellows connected to a common tubing and a hand vacuum pump form a pneumatic system used to move the elements. The coil is initially expanded to the largest dimensions by creating a negative pressure to compress the bellows. After the subject is placed, a pneumatic switch is opened to allow the air to enter in the system. The elements move towards the subject gently pushed by the bellows. Each element can move independently in radial directions and tilt around its axis to adapt its final position to a specific head section. 3D printing technology was used to build most coil parts and phantoms. Bench tests were performed with three phantoms (8, 10 and 12.5 cm in diameter) corresponding to the smallest, medium and largest coil dimensions. They were filled with a solution that simulates the head loading (Ɛr=50, σ=0.6 S/m, ρ=1310 kg/m3). All elements were tuned and matched on the bench to 127.73 MHz and 172-183 Ohms respectively with the 10cm phantom. Scanner tests were conducted in a MR750 3T scanner (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, US). Two phantoms (8 and 10 cm) were scanned with the proposed coil and with two available commercial adult head coils (8 and 32-channel). Axial and sagittal SPGR sequences were used (Flip_angle=10, TE=5.5ms, TR=1000ms). SNR maps were computed in all images by dividing each pixel value by the standard deviation of the noise calculated from an acquisition without RF excitation.
Simulations show an isolation between channels from -30 to -43 dB for the 10cm load (Fig. 2, top). These values decreased for the minimum (-26.8 to -30.7 dB) and maximum (-23.2 to -36.7dB) dimensions, since no adjustments were performed. B1- field maps (Fig. 2, bottom) show acceptable uniformity for all dimensions studied.
Decoupling between pairs of loops measured on the bench is shown in Table 1. Preamp decoupling in the range of -27 dB to -33 dB, largely compensated for the sub-optimal geometric decoupling found across adjustable sphere sizes. SNR maps computed from the acquired images are shown in Fig. 3.
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