Novel 3D Yarn-Ball k-space acquisition is applied for the first time in vivo with application to T1-weighted human brain imaging and a goal of 0.9x0.9x0.9 mm3 voxels in ~2 minutes at 3T. This efficient, large-looping trajectory allows much more of k-space to be sampled following each excitation than the 1 line of 3D-Gradient-Echo (3D-GRE), facilitating longer repetition times (TR), greater acquisition duty cycle, and full sampling. We demonstrate that as a result images created with Yarn-Ball yield better resolution phantom element distinction, and considerably higher SNR (2x on average) in vivo than the three different 3D-GRE methods tested.
Yarn-Ball was implemented on a Siemens Prisma 3T with 80 mT/m gradients and maximum gradient slew rates of 200 mT/m/ms. 9248 sampling trajectories each 10 ms in duration enabled full sampling support for 0.9x0.9x0.9 mm3 voxels (1/k-space volume) and a 220 cm isotropic FoV in 2:10 minutes (Figure 1). The maximum gradient amplitude was 41 mT/m and the maximum slew rate was 199 mT/m/ms. Note that more rapid gradient change occurs in the small loops nearer the centre of k-space at the start of each trajectory where the gradient amplitudes are smaller. As a result, the peripheral nerve stimulation threshold is not exceeded (i.e. the scanner does not enter first-level controlled operation). The inclusion of (1-1) water excitation to minimize signal from fat, and the constant gradient spoiling of each trajectory resulted in a TR of 13.8 ms. RF spoiling and a flip-angle of 22o was selected for CNR enhancement between gray and white matter at 3T. TE was 75 μs (measured from the second water excitation pulse). A sampling dwell time of 2 μs resulted in the acquisition of ~46 million data points per receiver channel (a 20 element head array coil was used). Gridding was performed on a Titan Black (NVIDIA) graphics card and each coil element image required ~2.5 minutes to create (~45 minutes total time).
3D-GRE was also considered for the imaging goal described above, and quantized parameter selection resulted in an image matrix of 256x256x192 for a FoV of 224x224x172 (0.88x0.88x0.9 mm3). Images were acquired with a sagittal orientation. Three cases that enabled 2:10 minute scan times were tested. The first used 2x under-sampling in both phase encode directions (4x total), 180 Hz/pix sampling, TE=3.8 ms, TR=8.1 ms, and flip-angle=12o (labeled GRE-ipat4). The second used 2x in-plane under-sampling, 6/8 partial Fourier, 240 Hz/pix sampling, TE=3.1 ms, TR=6.7 ms, and flip-angle=11o (labeled GRE-ipat2-pFourier). The third used 2x in-plane under-sampling, 810 Hz/pix sampling, TE=1.9 ms, TR=4.1 ms, and flip-angle=10o (labeled GRE-ipat2-highBW). Each GRE image used Q-fat fat-suppression and Caipirinha based parallel imaging. Yarn-Ball and 3D-GRE images were acquired from both a Philips resolution phantom and 3 healthy volunteers.
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