Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in men. T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been shown to provide detailed information about anatomical structures but suffers from low specificity of morphological abnormalities. To enhance identification of malignant lesions, we set up a multi-parametric and multi-nuclear clinical protocol, in which sodium (23Na-) MRI and diffusion weighted imaging with standard and high b-values are added to the morphological T2-weighted sequences. Using a double resonant 23Na/1H abdominal coil allows acquiring sodium images directly after high resolution clinical proton sequences. Coil changes become unnecessary, which improves clinical feasibility.
For patients with suspected prostate cancer, T2-weighted MR images are essential diagnostic examinations. They provide detailed information about anatomical structures of the prostate to assess morphological abnormalities. However, the specificity is relatively low1. Prostate cancer is either depicted as a circumscribed low-signal-intensity lesion in the peripheral gland, or as an ill-defined lesion with obscured margins in the transitional zone ("erased charcoal sign"). Yet, post-biopsy bleeding, prostatitis, scarring, or hyperplastic nodules may have a similar T2-appearance2, and differentiation on morphological sequences may be impossible.
To increase specificity of the examination, using a multi-parametric MR protocol of the prostate is widely accepted and multiple studies have been published to confirm the additional value of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI3,4. DWI has advanced to a standard diagnostic tool to characterize prostate cancer5 and ultra-high b-value images have been confirmed beneficial for cancer detection6.
Recently, quantitative sodium (23Na-) MRI has been proposed as a possible additional imaging biomarker to increase specificity and diagnostic confidence of the prostate examination7,8,9 as it provides a non-invasive quantitative measure of the tissue sodium concentration (TSC), which might be useful for both cancer treatment response assessment and tumor detection10. Yet, this technique is still a research tool, also due to hardware constraints11.
By using a double resonant 1H/23Na coil with sixteen 23Na receive arrays, we envision overcoming such constraints towards a state-of-the-art multi-parametric but also multi-nuclear prostate exam. It allows precise registration between 1H and 23Na measurements, more sodium signal-to-noise (SNR) in the prostate and saves the examination time since coil changes become unnecessary. Here, we present first measurements on healthy volunteers to establish a reference combining 23Na-MRI and DWI with high b-values.
All measurements were performed on a 3T clinical whole-body MR scanner (Skyra MAGNETOM, Siemens Medical Solutions, Germany) using a double resonant 23Na/1H coil (RAPID Biomedical GmbH, Germany). Sodium RF transmission is applied by one channel split in four elements, which enables a quadrupole transmission, and receiving is performed by sixteen surface coils. Proton receiving is realized by six arrays and the transmission is performed by the system’s body coil. Nine healthy male volunteers (28 ± 4 years) were scanned with the multi-parametric/-nuclear MR protocol. Standardized 0.45% NaCl solution without agarose and 0.45% and 0.90% NaCl solutions including 2% agarose were placed inside the field-of-view (FoV) to serve as calibration vials. Therefore, sodium signal intensities can be quantified as sodium concentrations. The multi-parametric/-nuclear MR protocol included the following sequences:
· Coronal, sagittal and transversal T2-weighted turbo spin echo sequences: TR/TE/alpha=3350ms/108ms/160°, FoV 250x242mm2, resolution 0.7x0.7mm2, slice thickness 3mm, 23 slices, GRAPPA acceleration factor 2, TA=2:49min for each direction
· Two transversal DWI echo-planar imaging sequences: TR/TE=4100ms/74ms, FoV 380x80mm2, resolution 1.9x1.9mm2, slice thickness 3mm, 23 slices, b-values: 0/50/400/800s/mm2, TA=2:24min and TR/TE=4900ms/96ms, b-value: 2000s/mm2, TA=2:42min
· Sodium 3D density adapted radial UTE12: TR/TE/alpha=120ms/0.55ms/85°, FoV (320mm)3, resolution (5mm)3, readout length per spoke=20ms, projections=8000, TA=16:00min.
Sodium reconstruction was done offline in MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick, MA) with a convolution-based regridding algorithm (Kaiser Bessel, width=4) and application of a Hanning filter in k-space. Combinations of array-images from different coils were performed using adaptive combination13. Sensitivity profiles from the channels were corrected in post-processing14. ADC maps were calculated inline by the scanner software using the first DWI measurement.
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