A prototype, high-performance gradient system capable of 80 mT/m and 700 T/m/s with asymmetric design has been installed. Zeroth-order concomitant field terms endemic to MRI systems employing asymmetric gradient designs cause blurring and ghosting in spiral scans, as well as image quality degradation in fast-spin-echo imaging. The theory is reviewed, and a real-time hardware compensation is demonstrated to correct for the effect.
Concomitant field terms can be calculated from considering the net magnetic field as a function of time and location:|B(x,y,z,t)|≈B0+Gx(t)x+Gy(t)y+Gz(t)z+Bc(x,y,z,t)Eq(1).
The linear gradient terms represent the ideal applied gradients, while Bc contains undesired terms. Bc can be expanded[10,11] to show the 0th, 1st, and 2nd order terms. The zeroth order term,Bc,0th(t)=z20(G2x(t)+G2y(t))2B0Eq(2)is the focus of this work, where z0 is the offset of the transverse (asymmetric) gradients from the magnet isocenter. The center frequency of an MR experiment is set as f0(t)=γ2πB0 the additional constant off-resonance from the zeroth order concomitant field can be compensated for by applying a frequency shift Δfc,0th(t), such that fcorrected(t)=f0+Δfc,0th(t)=γ2πB0+γ2πz20(G2x(t)+G2y(t))2B0Eq(3).
The zeroth order concomitant field correction was implemented onto the system board responsible for zeroth order eddy current correction[12], and takes as input the two asymmetric transverse gradient values and applies a the frequency shift to RF transmit and receive in real-time according to Equation 3.
All scans were acquired on a lightweight, low-cryogen prototype MR system (GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY) equipped with asymmetric gradients capable of 80 mT/m and 700 T/m/s. A spiral acquisition with 4096 readout points, 16 arms, 5 mm slice thickness, ±125 kHz receiver bandwidth and a 12 cm FOV was acquired at isocenter on the American College of Radiology (ACR) musculoskeletal phantom (MSK). A two-shot gradient-echo B0 mapping sequence was also acquired, employing a 256×256 matrix, ±15.63 kHz readout bandwith, and 1 ms echo time difference. The spiral scans were acquired with and without the B0 concomitant field compensation, and all gradient waveforms were retained to apply the accumulated phase to each data point based on Eq. 2. as the software correction. The spiral reconstruction utilized a non-iterative type-III non-uniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT) implemented with a 1.5x oversampled FFT operator and 5-point Kaiser-Bessel window. This reconstruction accounted for off-resonance and gradient nonlinearity effects. The off-resonance was corrected based on time-segmentation (N = 16) [13], and the second-order concomitant field was also corrected[4].
A sagittal T2 weighted fast spin echo series on a human volunteer under an IRB approved protocol was acquired: TR = 5000 ms, TE = 116 ms, 4 mm slice thickness, 512×384 acquisition matrix with a 22 cm FOV, ±62.5 kHz receiver bandwidth, partial Fourier sampling and an echo train length of 16. The hardware B0 concomitant field compensation was switched on and off.
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