Brain-network has an intrinsic hierarchical structure, which, however, cannot be uncovered using the current methods exclusively for modularity analysis. A recent study has investigated hierarchical structure of brain-network using a hierarchical-clustering approach, which, nevertheless, has the following issues: (i) it relies on applying somewhat arbitrary thresholds to cross-coefficients (different thresholds likely yield distinct clustering outcomes); (ii) individual-level clustering results at early steps are likely to introduce biases at later stages, compromising the final clustering. We propose a method, Network Hierarchical Clustering (NetHiClus), based on a multi-subject spectral-clustering approach, which can robustly identify functional sub-networks at hierarchical-level, without thresholding the cross-coefficients.
NetHiClus consists of 2 parts (part I&II) - a flowchart is shown in Figure 1:
(I) The multi-subject spectral clustering5 is used to estimate consensus (group-level) eigenvector of normalized adjacency-matrices and more consistent individual-level eigenvectors and eigenvalues across the group. It includes the following steps:
(a) Using BOLD data to calculate adjacency-matrix A(v) for subject v (v=1,...,K), with K the number of subjects in group.
(b) Calculating normalized adjacency-matrix $$$N_1^{(v)}={D^{(v)}}^{(-1/2)}A^{(v)}{D^{(v)}}^{(-1/2)}$$$, D – degree-matrix. $$$N=(N_1+N_1^{T})/2$$$ is certainly symmetric.
(c) Calculating initial eigenvectors $$$U^{(v)}$$$ by eigenvalue-decomposition of $$$N^{(v)}$$$ . We are interested in the second eigenvalue/eigenvector (see (h) below).
(d) Updating group consensus $$$U^G$$$ : solving $$$ \max \limits_{U^G \in R^{n×k}} trace\{{U^G}^T(\sum_vλ_v(U^{(v)}{U^{(v)}}^T))U^G\}$$$, $$$s.t. {U^G}^TU^G=I$$$ by eigenvalue-decomposition on $$$\sum_vλ_v(U^{(v)}{U^{(v)}}^T)$$$ , with $$$U^{(v)}$$$ from (c) for first iteration, n: #nodes, k: #clusters, $$$λ_v$$$ : weight (i.e. ‘importance’) of subject v [5] (Note: k=2 for bi-clustering in our study).
(e) Updating $$$U^{(v)}$$$ : solving $$$ \max \limits_{U^{(v)} \in R^{n×k}} trace\{{U^{(v)}}^T(N^{(v)}+λ_vU^G{U^G}^T))U^{(v)}\}$$$, $$$s.t. {U^{(v)}}^TU^{(v)}=I$$$, by eigenvalue-decomposition on with all other $$$U^{(v)}$$$ and $$$U^G$$$ fixed5.
(f) Updating $$$U^{(v)}$$$ and $$$U^G$$$ iteratively via (d) and (e) until convergence5, yielding final estimates of $$$U^G$$$ ,$$$U^{(v)}$$$ and $$$EV^{(v)}$$$ (eigenvalues).
(II) The hierarchical-clustering is used to hierarchically divide the networks into 2 clusters using $$$U^G$$$, $$$U^{(v)}$$$ and $$$EV^{(v)}$$$ from (I).
(g) For each cluster, if the median of second largest eigenvalues of individual subject ($$$U^{(v)}$$$) across the group is positive, go to step (h); otherwise stop3;
(h) The vector corresponding to the second largest eigenvalue (i.e. Fiedler vector) is employed to assign the nodes into 2 different clusters based on their signs (i.e. “+” vs. “-”)6.
(i) Furthermore, since brain sub-networks tend to be bilateral4, homotopic brain regions are forced to be present in the same sub-networks to which the homotopic regions are more likely belonging.
(j) The 2 new clusters obtained at the current-level are fed into (I) recursively.
MRI data: Resting-state HCP ( FIX-denoised fMRI data (n=133) were used: TR/TE=700/33.1ms, 2mm isotropic, 1200 volumes.
Data analyses: Network construction: (i) AAL-atlas is used to parcellate the whole-brain into 90 regions; (ii) a mean time-series is calculated in each region; (iii) connectivity is obtained using Pearson-correlation.
Clustering evaluation
(i) Robustness: (a) 100 random subsamples were generated for each of 4 subsampling cases (fixed ratio=60%, but with variable subsampling size: $$$65/108,70/117,75/125/80/133$$$ ); (b) NetHiClus was applied to each case; (c) normalized mutual information (NMI)7 was calculated between each subsample and the remaining 99 subsamples (cross-NMI), yielding mean cross-NMI (CN) for each subsample; (d) the subsample having the maximum CN was designated as the one obtaining the most reliable clustering results from the 100 subsamples.
(ii) Reproducibility: two groups of subsamples were generated for each case to evaluate the test-retest reliability.
We propose a method, NetHiClus, for hierarchically clustering the brain-network into subnetworks, without relying on applying arbitrary thresholds to cross-coefficients, as previously done4. Importantly, rather than performing clustering at individual-level, we tackle this problem using a multi-subject approach, sharing information across subjects. Our results show that NetHiClus can hierarchically cluster functional network into specialized subnetworks, fulfilling specialized tasks; conversely, information processed by specialized inferior-level subnetworks are integrated into superior-level for achieving optimal efficiency. Importantly, test-retest results have demonstrated the robustness of NetHiClus. Our findings are consistent with the concept of network segregation and integration8. This should promote the understanding of brain network from a hierarchical point of view.
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