Recursive feature elimination (RFE), a machine learning technique, is used to sub-select node-based graph theoretical features that correlate with symptom severity in mTBI. Resting state functional connectivity was represented as a binary graph by thresholding correlation values computed between time courses of functional ROIs. Node-based graph theoretical metrics were computed and fed to the feature elimination model to regress on mTBI symptom scores. Using RFE we identified top features correlated to symptom severity in mTBI, which include eigen centrality and closeness of nodes within the salience and default-mode networks. Top features were analyzed for repeatability over multiple runs and multiple thresholds.
fMRI data preprocessing: After obtaining informed consent, rs-fMRI was recorded from 115 patients at four time points (3 days, 7 days, 3 weeks and 3 months) post-mTBI and 31 healthy controls (2 sessions, 1 week apart). After eliminating missing and noisy data, we analyzed 228 time points in total. Using GE 3T MRI scanner, multi-band (acceleration factor 3) 2D-EPI, TR/TE = 900/30ms was acquired for 6 minutes (395 volumes), with 1.875mm2 isotropic in-plane resolution and 3mm slice thickness to cover the whole brain. T1-weighted scans (1mm resolution) were acquired at each time point. All participants completed a neuropsychological self-assessment questionnaire that was used to calculate SSS. rs-fMRI data were motion corrected, rigid registered to T1-weighted image, non-rigid registered to MNI atlas, nuisance removed using aCompCor4, spatial smoothed using Gaussian filter (FWHM 4mm) and temporally band-pass filtered (0.01-0.1 Hz) using custom-built software. Mean time courses of 90 functional ROIs5 were extracted. Correlation coefficients were computed between every pair of time courses, producing a 90x90 matrix. Functional connectivity matrices were binarized using a threshold corresponding to multiple percentile values of edge weights (10-25th percentile in steps of 5).
Graph metrics: Eight node-based metrics were computed from the binarized functional connectivity matrices6: (1) Degree: Number of connections (2) Betweenness: Number of shortest paths through the node (3) Closeness: Average distance to other nodes (4) Shapley value: Relative importance of node in its neighborhood given by ∑m1degree(m), where in m ε neighborhood of the node (5) Eigen Centrality: Computed from eigen vectors of laplacian of the graph (6) Communicability: Number of closed walks starting and ending at the node (7) Core-number: Minimum degree of the maximal subgraph that contains the node (8) Clustering Coefficient: Number of closed triangles incident on the node/total number of possible triangles.
RFE for feature selection: A total of 720 node-based graph features, extracted from 90 nodes and eight graph metrics, were inputs to the RFE model (Fig. 1)7. Node purity, which relates to loss function of the RF, was used to rank feature importance. The experiment was run for multiple iterations in a cross-validation approach, and for multiple thresholds.
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